Sometimes it would be nice to be able to supply defaults as strings, and
have the ArgumentParser parse them. For example, if you had a matrix type,
that converted "zero" to, say, [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
, then
you might want your default value to still be "zero" for the purposes of
help, so you'd like to write::
parser.add_argument(..., default="zero", ...)
Right now, defaults are not parsed, so this would fail. It would be nice if
you could supply, say, parse_defaults=True
to the ArgumentParser
constructor to make this work.
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 29, 2009 by Grumpy RabbitI think this isn't actually an issue - type conversion is done for any string argument value, even if that value came from the default::
def simple_list(string): ... return string.split(",") ... parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('foo', nargs='?', type=simple_list, default="a,b,c") parser.parse_args([]) Namespace(foo=['a', 'b', 'c'])
So basically, this should already work.
Status: Invalid