My laptop automatically switches between one and two screens depending on whether there is an external monitor attached or not.
External monitor attached: external view goes completely lightgrey. Toolbar appears on external view. I can draw on the internal display, but when I start, de toolbar disappears, so I cannot change back to pointer-mode. Switching to console terminal (ctrl-alt-F1) and back again kills ardesia.
No external monitor attached: toolbar appears on internal screen, but I cannot draw anything. When I close ardesia, the drawings suddenly appears for a few tens of seconds.
I have two exactly the same installations: Kubuntu 14.04 up-to-date on a PC with one display and on this laptop. On the PC ardesia works perfectly (great tool btw).
When I start ardesia on my laptop through cli with the -V option, I get this:
guido@lap630:~$ ardesia -V
Enabled Device in screen 2. 0x1515d90: "Virtual core pointer" (Type: 0)
DEBUG: Annotation window get screen-changed event
DEBUG: Annotation window get configure event (2720,1024)
Clear screen
The save point /tmp/ardesia/ardesia_project_2015-30-1_21:49:25/images/ardesia_1_vellum.png has been stored in file
Acquire grab
DEBUG: Annotation window get configure event (2720,1024)
DEBUG: Annotation window get configure event (2720,1024)
DEBUG: Annotation window get configure event (2720,1024)
The pen with colour FF0000FF has been selected
The pen with colour FF0000FF has been selected
DEBUG: Annotation window get expose event
Restore surface
The save-point /tmp/ardesia/ardesia_project_2015-30-1_21:49:25/images/ardesia_1_vellum.png has been loaded from file
Release grab
The save-point /tmp/ardesia/ardesia_project_2015-30-1_21:49:25/images/ardesia_1_vellum.png has been removed
Notice the "enabled device in screen 2"
So what's the solution for this? tia
Status: New