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ID Status Summary
355 New Unable to spread information out in small table format Type-Defect Priority-Low
354 New shake to erase or automatically erase drawn input Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
353 Accepted "Card List" filters for better learning. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
352 NeedInfo Faster and easier new card creation. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
351 Invalid Back download doesn't work with Google Spreadsheets Type-Defect Priority-Low
350 New Hide the Card ID on learning screen Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
349 Fixed Error on Google Drive uploading Type-Defect Priority-Low
348 PendingVerify Switch from revision to new Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
347 New Performance in list view Type-Defect Priority-Low
346 PendingVerify Redirect question audio Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
345 New Hotkeys! Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
344 Invalid Audio not working with imported cards Type-Defect Priority-Low
343 Accepted search function via editing Type-Defect Priority-Low
342 Accepted AnyMemo crashes on some samsung devices java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
341 New Adding Tag Support for Categories Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
340 Accepted 无法修改分类? Type-Defect Priority-Low
339 New AndroidStudio: start of Tests fails Type-Defect Priority-Low
338 Fixed DB deleted! Type-Defect Priority-High
337 New 提前复习当日应复习卡片 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
336 New 在最近列表中长按可选是否删除本地文件 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
335 New Improve Drawing Surface Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
334 Fixed 查看统计数据时的显示问题 Type-Defect Priority-Low
333 Accepted 分类浏览时,如使用“交换全部卡片问题答案”功能,则会使整个词库交换问题与答案 Type-Defect Priority-Low
332 New 分类预览时如编辑卡片时,编辑完成后会退到第一张卡片 Type-Defect Priority-Low
331 New 希望加入批量分类的功能 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
330 Fixed Practice status can't be record with SQLException Type-Defect Priority-Low
329 Fixed AnyMemo is not able to save settings in Android 5.0 Type-Defect Priority-High
328 Invalid import to eclipse fails Type-Defect Priority-Low
327 Fixed tag 10.5 in Git but the version name and code are wrong in build.gradle Type-Defect Priority-Low
326 Accepted a quiz starts from the beginning when the app is reopened after a period of inactivity Type-Defect Priority-Low
325 New Open dictionary without poping up word selection dialog if the it contain single word Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
324 Invalid Display Unicode characters 1F00-1FFE Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
323 WontFix Stop adding new cards button Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
322 Accepted Open db file in AnyMemo from other apps Type-Defect Priority-Medium
321 Fixed The default settings are not applied to the database, which is created by importing Type-Defect Priority-Low
320 Fixed Conversion from SuperMemo PPC XML not functioning Type-Defect Priority-Low
319 New Use gestures in the list mode to change the learning status of card Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
318 Duplicate After update lack of possibility to display answer and note in a one card Type-Defect Priority-Low
317 Duplicate 能否实现用语音控制 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
316 Invalid The app doesn't convert Spanish characters as ñ or à, è and so on. Type-Defect Priority-Low
315 WontFix Customize card field doesn't work in Anymemo 10.4.1 Type-Defect Priority-Low
314 Accepted Text-to-speech (Speak question/answer) is laggy to invoke Type-Defect Priority-Medium
313 Invalid Error exporting flashcards from newest version of Aedict3 Type-Defect Priority-Low
312 Accepted Special character escaping in StudyStack Type-Defect Priority-Low
311 WontFix Possible click on card grade multiple times Type-Defect Priority-Low
310 Accepted Rotating device while loading items from network crashed the application Type-Defect Priority-Low
309 NeedInfo Priorities for categories and/or individual cards Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
308 Accepted Swap settings of Question / answer if using "Swap Q/A" funciton Type-Defect Priority-Low
307 Done 如何理解统计图 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
306 WontFix Replace "Skip" with "Move To Back" Type-Defect Priority-Low
305 Fixed Android 2.3 compatibility is broken on the nightly build Type-Defect Priority-Critical
304 NeedInfo show answer and grade the performance via speech/voice recognition Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
303 PendingVerify 能否通过滑动屏幕选取“会”和“不会”? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
302 Fixed Cram (FlashcardExchange) search by user is broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium
301 New Create multiple new cards on the device easily Type-Defect Priority-Low
300 Fixed Long click on a card to pop up a full screen image dialog Type-Defect Priority-Low
299 Fixed Import files into existing DB Type-Defect Priority-Low
298 New AnyMemo achievements and leaderboard Type-Defect Priority-Low
297 Fixed Card editor is displaying wrong dialog when the card is modified Type-Defect Priority-Medium
296 Invalid 评分按钮显示问题 Type-Defect Priority-Low
295 Fixed AnyMemo crashes after multi-task resuming if it was killed by OOM Type-Defect Priority-Medium
294 Fixed Import Mnemosyne2 cards action throws java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: Transaction callable threw non-SQL exception Type-Defect Priority-Low
293 Accepted Update AnyMemo's help Type-Defect Priority-Low
292 Fixed 版本79横屏下显示异常 Type-Defect Priority-Low
291 Duplicate 一个很久都忘记问的问题:评分按钮上的时间和实际不附? Type-Defect Priority-Low
290 Fixed Card player is not working since nightly build #46 Type-Defect Priority-Critical
289 Duplicate Flashcard Exchange Login Type-Defect Priority-Low
288 Fixed card list中操作模式改进建议 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
287 Duplicate note部分可以单独设置排版格式 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
286 Fixed Activity State Loss when grade a card Type-Defect Priority-Low
285 Fixed Scheduling algorithm does not work well for studying ahead of time Type-Defect Priority-Medium
284 NeedInfo Sort categories alphabetically Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
283 Fixed 能否还原非平板模式下的横屏按钮布局? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
282 Fixed Cards just marked above grade 2 get back to the learning queue Type-Defect Priority-Low
281 Accepted Filter category in Card player Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
280 Fixed Filter by category is not working correctly in Quiz mode Type-Defect Priority-Medium
279 Fixed AnyMemo file browser does not clear invalid saved path Type-Defect Priority-Low
278 Invalid XML spreadsheet does not convert to db file Type-Defect Priority-Low
277 Fixed Failed Converson of CSV Type-Defect Priority-Low
276 Fixed Rapid Orientation Changes creates thinking Messagebox Type-Defect Priority-Low
275 Fixed 高分辨率横屏模式下测试模式中的评分按键过小 Type-Defect Priority-Low
274 Duplicate 图片要可以放大或者缩小 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
273 Invalid missing notification Type-Defect Priority-Low
272 Fixed study mode: grade + undo -> "0.0 day" on buttons Type-Defect Priority-Medium
271 Duplicate list模式下可调整字体大小 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
270 Duplicate Zoom function needed for images Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
269 Fixed AnyMemo 10.3 without git branch / tag Type-Defect Priority-Low
268 WontFix Android apk check error 10.3 Type-Defect Priority-Low
267 Duplicate Consider both height and width of the view when resizing images Type-Defect Priority-Low
266 Invalid Quiz or Cram? Type-Defect Priority-Low
265 New 批量卡片操作功能 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
264 Fixed Download Password Protected Sets from Quizlet Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
263 Invalid Users drawing blocks the card Type-Defect Priority-Low
262 WontFix 改变卡片的ID值无效? Type-Defect Priority-Low
261 Fixed 导入菜单的翻译错误 Type-Defect Priority-Low
260 Fixed Menu in the Paint is not invokable on Android 4.2 and 4.3. Type-Defect Priority-Low
259 New Quiz / Review low grade cards Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
258 Fixed card in review queue in priority order Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
257 WontFix Hebrew Vowel Points don't line up Type-Defect Priority-Low
256 Invalid 安卓4.0 放入自己的真人语音进VOICE 然后只有下载的第一个database有发音,后面下的只能TTS Type-Defect Priority-Low