
ID Status Summary
10 New Patch for /trunk/AmazingListView/src/com/foound/widget/ Type-Patch
9 New header designing Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 New InputDispatcher error : "Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x8" while scrolling. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
7 New Crash in case if list scrolled to bottom and new adapter set with less data Type-Defect Priority-Medium
6 New header taller than row causes bumpy scrolling Type-Defect Priority-Medium
5 New not found, getOneSection Method not found neither... Type-Defect Priority-Medium
4 New Adding header on top Type-Defect Priority-Medium
3 New IllegalStateException while scrolling while updating Type-Defect Priority-Medium
2 New the first header can't respond to click event when scrolled up Type-Defect Priority-Medium
1 Accepted Characters not compatible with your app Type-Defect Priority-Low