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ID Status Summary
201 New Moving the code and issues to github Type-Review Priority-Medium
200 Fixed Options screen contains a deliciously ironic spelling error
199 Accepted Reflowing an XmlDoc line that ends with a tag can add incorrect <para>
198 Fixed Disabling issues does not work
197 Fixed Package name causes error in ReSharper 9 installer on repair.
196 Fixed Please add support for ReSharper 9
195 Accepted Missing XML comment warning is incorrectly shown when the Suppress...if the base identifier has a comment option is on.
194 Accepted List gets cleared by Reflow and Retag action
193 Fixed ReSharper 8.0 support?
192 Fixed ReSharper 7.1 support
191 Fixed ReSharper 7.1 support
190 Fixed Where can I get specific dictionaries?
189 Fixed Support for ReSharper 7.0?
188 WontFix Images missing on website
187 New Manually added user dictionary entries do not work.
186 New Using <see> tags for a parameter should be flagged (the compiler flags it as a warning)
185 New Do not suggest paramref wrapping of an identifier from within the param section for that identifier
184 New XML entities are not preserved
183 Accepted Useless empty lines are being added
182 Accepted Insertion of unwanted tags
181 Accepted Generic references in comments are being "destroyed"
180 Invalid "Reflow & Retag Comment" functionality in Code Cleanup?
179 Fixed Beta spell check does not handle negative contractions correctly
178 Fixed Menu items like "Find Usages" is missing in context menu
177 Duplicate Resharper 6.x Support
176 New Rule "TestFixtures should End with Test." Why?
175 Duplicate Need support to Resharper 6.0
174 Fixed Spell checker fails after <code source="..." region="..."> tag
173 Started Request: Resharper 6 compatible plugin
172 New Attributes are still ignored
171 Accepted Spell checking resx files not working.
170 Accepted IdentifierWordIsNotInDictionary disable comment not functioning!
169 Accepted Xml comment layout - make first line right after first tag
168 New Reflow Comment leave space at end of line
167 New Plugin installs to wrong location on Windows 7 x64
166 New Installer build
165 New Underscore rule exclusion not be properly applied to constants within a method.
164 New Can't Get .msi to install the plugin
163 New Regex for method name seems not to work always
162 Fixed [Request] Allow multiple dictionaries for spell checking of identifiers
161 New Find Code Issues includes generated code
160 Fixed Support R# 5.1 EAP
159 Fixed Custom spelling dictionary has UI issue - wrong size, text & scrollbar off-screen.
158 Fixed Not working in VS2010/RS5.1
157 WontFix Incorrect method name error reporting
156 Invalid Upgrade Resharper 5.0 final
155 Fixed Word null appears to be an identifier
154 Fixed Missing context actions with latest resharper 5 version.
153 Fixed AgentSmith.SmartPaste breaks in VS2010
152 New Provide spell checking in ASPX , XAML files.
151 New Agent Smith wants to rename standard ASP.Net functions
150 Fixed Don't check spelling in string literals used as arguments for certain known methods
149 New Request: Pattern for Comment-Stubs
148 New Spelling search and corrections should behave differently for literals/documentation and identifiers
147 New Needs a way to separate between implicit and explicit interface implementations
146 Fixed XML comment not recognized if there is a precompiler directive between the XML comment and the code
145 Unreproducible Out of Memory Exception
144 Fixed <see langword="..."/> instead of <c>...</c>
143 New VB.NET Support for naming conventions
142 New Add enqueuing to us dictionary
141 Fixed Smart paste not functioning
140 Accepted Outlining: Expand all comments Type-Enhancement
139 Fixed Add an action to format all comments in a current file Type-Enhancement
138 Started Add formatting rules for xml elements Type-Enhancement
137 Fixed <br/> element should force new line when reflowing
136 Fixed Lexical analysis is broken for xml elements with no content
135 Fixed Reflow logic does not calculate max length correctly
134 Fixed "Add to user dictionary" is not provided for words looking like identifiers
133 Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException raised by Quick Fix if "ß" (eszett letter) is in comment
132 Fixed Support inherited comments
131 New Feature Request: TestFixture decored classes should be public
130 New Bug: Naming rule with rename quick-fix might cause wrong code and ReSharper error
129 New Event handlers naming convention bug
128 New Question: Adding name parts with renaming quick-fix?
127 Fixed Provide surrounding with <c></c> for null keyword.
126 Fixed Generated comments should be compliant to StyleCop
125 Accepted Enhancement: Support validation of generic type parameters
124 New Spellchecking words that start with struct treats trailing letters as own word
123 Fixed "XML Comments" rule exceptions doesn't work
122 Fixed Xml Comment Validation
121 Fixed Reflow Exception using ReSharper
120 Fixed Resharper 4.5 error
119 Fixed Resharper 4.5 error
118 Fixed Annoying popup box
117 Fixed Local constants rule
116 Fixed Strange pop-up window appear after source analysis starts
115 Fixed 'Any declaration should have XML comment' wrongly displayed on private fields and events.
114 WontFix Private properties, methods, events should be in camel
113 Fixed Exception with Resharper 4.5
112 Fixed Exception thrown when adding an attribute to a new class.
111 Fixed Spell checker doesn’t save new words to the dictionary
110 Fixed Reharper fails to load Agent Smith Plugin
109 Fixed crefs to namespaces need to be fully qualified
108 Accepted Spell check doesn't work in .designer.cs files
107 WontFix Add a configurable time delay for holding off ReSharper syntax checking
106 Fixed ReSharper 4.5.1182.15 Agent
105 Fixed Add deserialize and its various tenses to the english langiage dictionary
104 New spell checker does not handle apostrophes
102 Fixed Constants detected in functions as variables
101 New AgentSmith ignores rules for interface implementation