Author |
Date |
Commit |
Message |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 27, 2011 |
1534 |
Issue 230: 16-bit greyscale/48-bit RGB support in RotateNearestNeighbor.cs
R |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 27, 2011 |
1533 |
Minor correction to documentation. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 27, 2011 |
1532 |
Added Bayer filter routine, which creates color image out of grayscale image pro |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 21, 2011 |
1531 |
Issue 226: FFmpeg - write video frames with a specific timestamp
Adding Vide |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 21, 2011 |
1530 |
Avoiding casting of IntPtr.ToPointer() to (int), which causes issues on 64 bit s |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 21, 2011 |
1529 |
Issue 223: Marking {Int|Double}Range as Serializable
{Int|Double}Range as well |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 21, 2011 |
1528 |
Improving frame interval processing if a pause needs to be done between video fr |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 21, 2011 |
1527 |
Adding meaningful message for VideoSourcePlayer for the case when video has fini |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 21, 2011 |
1526 |
Fixing Ximea Video Sample so it works correctly after disconnecting from camera |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 19, 2011 |
1525 |
Added Kinect.GetAccelerometerValues() method to read Kinect's internal accelerom |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 19, 2011 |
1524 |
A tiny typo correction in documentation. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 19, 2011 |
1523 |
Fixing depth camera hanging which happens sometimes when stopping it.
It was no |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 19, 2011 |
1522 |
Added CameraMode property to KinectVideoCamera instead of IRMode property. The n |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 19, 2011 |
1521 |
Improving FPS counter for "Player" and "Two Camera Test sample" applications. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 19, 2011 |
1520 |
Improving FPS counter for Ximea Sample application. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 18, 2011 |
1519 |
Fixing VideoSourcePlayer so it does not cause dead lock if user does access to U |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 16, 2011 |
1518 |
Adding sample application demonstrating access to XIMEA camera. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 16, 2011 |
1517 |
Extending list of supported parameters for XIMEA cameras. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 16, 2011 |
1516 |
Making sure VideoSourcePlayer control gets resized if image from video source ch |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 15, 2011 |
1515 |
Adding XimeaVideoSource class, which is wrapper around XimeaCamera providing IVi |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 15, 2011 |
1514 |
A tiny typo correction in documentation. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 13, 2011 |
1513 |
Adding UnmanagedImage.ToManagedImage(bool) which allows specifying if user wants |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 13, 2011 |
1512 |
Adding XimeaCamera.GetImage(int, bool) method, which allows to specify if user w |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 13, 2011 |
1511 |
A tiny typo correction in documentation. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 13, 2011 |
1510 |
Added one extra reason of video finishing, which is ReasonToFinishPlaying.VideoS |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 13, 2011 |
1509 |
Reverting the change to UnmanagedImage.ToManagedImage() made in revision 1505. T |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 12, 2011 |
1508 |
Initial code of the AForge.Video.Ximea namespace, which provides support of XIME |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 11, 2011 |
1507 |
Issue 222: Add MPEG-2 encoding to Video.FFMPEG.VideoWriter
Added MPEG-2 code |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 11, 2011 |
1506 |
Tiny typo correction in documentation. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 10, 2011 |
1505 |
Optimizing UnmanagedImage.ToManagedImage() to avoid locking/unlocking managed im |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 10, 2011 |
1504 |
Updating Gallio project file, so it includes all tests. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 10, 2011 |
1503 |
Updating unit test projects so they don't require specific version of Gallio and |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 7, 2011 |
1502 |
Updating recently added sample to use .NET 2.0 as the rest of samples and the fr |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 7, 2011 |
1501 |
Updated UnmanagedImage.ToManagedImage() method to copy entire image at once if t |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 3, 2011 |
1500 |
Unifying the way how WaitOne( int, bool ) is called. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 3, 2011 |
1499 |
Updating svn:ignore list for the Video.Kinect folder. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 3, 2011 |
1498 |
Updating exception types thrown by AVIReader and AVIWriter, so they are differen |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 3, 2011 |
1497 |
Adding AForge.Video.FFMPEG.VideoFileSource, which provides similar functionality |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 3, 2011 |
1496 |
Updated signature of memcpy() in AForge.Video.DirectShow so it uses byte* instea |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 1, 2011 |
1495 |
Updating all samples so they build fine with the recent modifications of the fra |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 1, 2011 |
1494 |
Updating version IPPrototyper - preparing for the upcoming release. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 1, 2011 |
1493 |
Updating version of all assemblies to 2.2.0 - preparing for the upcoming release |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 1, 2011 |
1492 |
Some update to documentation of namespaces in the help file. |
andrew.kirillov |
Jun 1, 2011 |
1491 |
Finalizing VideoFileReader and VideoFileWriter from AForge.Video.FFMPEG namespac |
andrew.kirillov |
May 24, 2011 |
1490 |
Extending FFMPEG.VideoFileReader a bit more to make sure it reads all frames. Mo |
andrew.kirillov |
May 16, 2011 |
1489 |
Added overloads for PlayTone(), SetMotorState(), ResetMotorPosition(), SetSensor |
andrew.kirillov |
May 16, 2011 |
1488 |
Some improvements for communication with Lego NXT brick, see ticket #219 |
andrew.kirillov |
May 16, 2011 |
1487 |
Updated NXT sample application to demonstrates MessageSent and MessageRead event |
andrew.kirillov |
May 16, 2011 |
1486 |
Updated CommunicationBufferEventArgs.GetMessageString() so it returns human read |
andrew.kirillov |
May 16, 2011 |
1485 |
Updated NXT sample application, so it builds with recently updated NXTBrick clas |
andrew.kirillov |
May 16, 2011 |
1484 |
Disabling XML documentation warnings coming from FFmpeg library.
Microsoft, ple |
andrew.kirillov |
May 14, 2011 |
1483 |
Updating documentation project. |
andrew.kirillov |
May 14, 2011 |
1482 |
Adding Kinect Capture sample application which demonstrates access to MS Xbox Ki |
andrew.kirillov |
May 14, 2011 |
1481 |
Adding AForge.Video.Kinect namespaces containing classes to get access to Micros |
andrew.kirillov |
May 14, 2011 |
1480 |
Adding libfreenect library build, which is used to get access to MS Xbox Kinect |
andrew.kirillov |
May 14, 2011 |
1479 |
Added AForge.DeviceErrorException exception to report about possible errors in s |
andrew.kirillov |
May 13, 2011 |
1478 |
Added support for saving 8 bpp grayscale image into video file through FFMPEG. |
andrew.kirillov |
May 13, 2011 |
1477 |
Adding draft version of AForge.Video.FFMPEG.VideoFileReader class. |
andrew.kirillov |
May 11, 2011 |
1476 |
Enabling specifying of frame rate and video codec for writing video files throug |
andrew.kirillov |
May 11, 2011 |
1475 |
Updating documentation of BlobCounter mentioned that InvalidImagePropertiesExcep |
andrew.kirillov |
May 11, 2011 |
1474 |
Fixing small bug - somehow one line of code disappeared :( |
andrew.kirillov |
May 11, 2011 |
1473 |
Issue 176: Image Statistics (histogram) mask
Updated ImageStatistics, ImageSta |
andrew.kirillov |
May 11, 2011 |
1472 |
Fixing ContinuousHistogram class, so Mean and StdDev equals to zero if empty his |
andrew.kirillov |
May 11, 2011 |
1471 |
Fixing minor documentation issues. |
andrew.kirillov |
May 10, 2011 |
1470 |
Updated all classes which is "lock(sync)" - now sync has object type instead of |
andrew.kirillov |
May 10, 2011 |
1469 |
Added AForge.DeviceBusyException exception, which could be thrown in cases when |
andrew.kirillov |
May 10, 2011 |
1468 |
Fixed Mean(), StdDev() and Entropy() methods of AForge.Math.Statistics, so they |
andrew.kirillov |
May 10, 2011 |
1467 |
Updated "Build All.sln" solution file, so it has "Release" and "Release Complete |
andrew.kirillov |
May 10, 2011 |
1466 |
Fixing a bug in GrahamConvexHull, which was modifying input list of points. Some |
andrew.kirillov |
May 10, 2011 |
1465 |
Fixing minor typo in copyright header of one file. |
andrew.kirillov |
May 9, 2011 |
1464 |
Added try/catch block around retrieving IAMVideoControl interface, since it seem |
andrew.kirillov |
May 9, 2011 |
1463 |
Removed some debug output to console. |
andrew.kirillov |
May 9, 2011 |
1462 |
Issue 184: using IPPrototyper plugins in other applications
Created separate A |
andrew.kirillov |
May 8, 2011 |
1461 |
Shame ... Fixing a bug in the previous commit. |
andrew.kirillov |
May 8, 2011 |
1460 |
Issue 185: Equals method
Added equality and inequality operator for Line and |
andrew.kirillov |
May 7, 2011 |
1459 |
Issue 198: mjpegstream not stoping
Improving a bit reaction on thread aborting |
andrew.kirillov |
May 6, 2011 |
1458 |
Issue 180: Mode function for Aforge.Math Statistics class
Added AForge.Math. |
andrew.kirillov |
May 6, 2011 |
1457 |
Issue 211: Improve NXTBrick.SensorMode documentation
Improved documentation f |
andrew.kirillov |
May 6, 2011 |
1456 |
Issue 210: Improve NXTBrick.SensorType documentation
Updated documentation of |
andrew.kirillov |
May 6, 2011 |
1455 |
Issue 212: Enable reset motor relative position
NXTBrick.ResetMotorPosition( |
andrew.kirillov |
May 6, 2011 |
1454 |
Issue 193: Lego NXT HiTechnic color and compass sensor
NXTBrick class is exten |
andrew.kirillov |
May 5, 2011 |
1453 |
Issue 213: Avoid PInvokeStackImbalance errors
Updated interoping of memcpy() |
andrew.kirillov |
May 4, 2011 |
1452 |
Added check for IPPrototyper's window position stored in configuration file. If |
andrew.kirillov |
May 4, 2011 |
1451 |
Removing deprecation from DoublePoint and DoubleRange as was request by AForge.N |
andrew.kirillov |
May 4, 2011 |
1450 |
Removing all use cases of lock(this) and replacing them with locking a dummy obj |
andrew.kirillov |
May 4, 2011 |
1449 |
Adding UnmanagedImage.SetPixel() and UnmanagedImage.SetPixels() methods, which a |
andrew.kirillov |
May 2, 2011 |
1448 |
Minor correction to documentation. |
andrew.kirillov |
May 2, 2011 |
1447 |
Added Ordered Color Dithering image processing routine as described on Wikipedia |
andrew.kirillov |
May 2, 2011 |
1446 |
Adding svn:ignore to recently added "Snapshot Maker" sample. |
andrew.kirillov |
May 2, 2011 |
1445 |
Adding new sample application, which demonstrates usage of Posit and CoplanarPos |
andrew.kirillov |
May 2, 2011 |
1444 |
Adding CoplanarPosit algorithm's implementation, which is an algorithm for estim |
andrew.kirillov |
Apr 30, 2011 |
1443 |
Setting svn:ignore for the new Video.FFMPEG folder. |
andrew.kirillov |
Apr 30, 2011 |
1442 |
Adding AForge.Video.FFMPEG library which wraps FFMPEG. The code is experimental |
andrew.kirillov |
Apr 30, 2011 |
1441 |
Providing "AForge ReadMe.txt" for every external library for consistency. |
andrew.kirillov |
Apr 30, 2011 |
1440 |
Adding files from FFMPEG build and "msinttypes" project into Externals. |
andrew.kirillov |
Apr 30, 2011 |
1439 |
Issue 200: Add support for microsoft lifecam (and potentially other webcams) - |
andrew.kirillov |
Apr 30, 2011 |
1438 |
Added AFore.Video.VideoException exception, which will be used further by some v |
andrew.kirillov |
Apr 30, 2011 |
1437 |
Adding recently added images to documentation project. |
andrew.kirillov |
Apr 28, 2011 |
1436 |
Corrected namespace for the new HuePicker control, |
andrew.kirillov |
Apr 28, 2011 |
1435 |
Issue 209: VerticalIntensityStatics.cs IsGrayScale property
Fixed IsGrayscale |