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aforge - issue #408

getting timestamp with avireader method

Posted on Jun 29, 2015 by Swift Ox

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.I write videoframes with ffmpeg with videofilewriter adding a timestamp 2.Also I wrote the timestamp as a tag of the bm beeing recorded 3.the code would be Dim ESCRITORZoom As New FFMPEG.VideoFileWriter image.Tag = new New TimeSpan(Now.Day, Now.Hour, Now.Minute, Now.Second)
ESCRITORZoom.WriteVideoFrame(image, image.tag)

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I dont't know how to read the timestamp of each image as i was reading it back through the AVIReader method. I added a tag to each image that contained the timestamp before writing to an AVI file. But as soon as i read it back through the avi all the propertyitems had been cleared down.

What version of the product are you using? 2.2.5

Please provide any additional information below.

Status: New
