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aforge - issue #407

Optional standard gradient calculation in Sobel filter

Posted on Jun 15, 2015 by Massive Monkey


    Math.Sqrt( gx * gx + gy * gy )

, framework evaluates

    Math.Min( 255, Math.Abs(gx) + Math.Abs(gy) )

This produces differences in two ways

1.- Simpliffied expression is always a bit bigger. Differences are noticiable but not important.

gx + gy <=> Sqrt( (gx + gy)^2 ) <=> Sqrt( gx^2 + 2*gx*gy + gy^2 )

2.- Evaluating "Min" before normalization, produces important differences in result.

We can see differences in this image that combines 4 results. Results has been inverted and thresholded (235) to clearly show differences

  • top-left: Min + Sum (current AForge implementation)
  • top-right: Min + Sqrt
  • bottom-left: Sum
  • bottom-right: Sqrt


Differences between results clearly show that smoothing effect is lost when using "Min"

This is my test image https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/49778953/test_sobel.jpg

I suggest to introduce a new Property "StandardGradientCalculation" with default value = False. This way, behaviour will not change in production systems.

This is the function i've used. Note the use of

float[,] gradients = new float[source.Height, source.Width];

, to avoid byte overflow

public unsafe void ProcessFilter(AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage source, AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage destination, Rectangle rect, bool takeMin, bool useSum) { int[,] kernelX = {{-1, +0, +1}, {-2, +0, +2}, {-1, +0, +1}};

int[,] kernelY = {{-1, -2, -1},
                  {+0, +0, +0},
                  {+1, +2, +1}};

// 3x3 kernel =&gt; kernelX.GetUpperBound(0) = 2
int kernelSize = kernelX.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
if (kernelSize % 2 == 0)
    throw new ArgumentException(&quot;Size of kernel matrix must have odd&quot;);
int kernelRadius = (kernelSize - 1) / 2;
byte srcBytesPerPixel = (byte)(System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(source.PixelFormat) / 8);
byte dstBytesPerPixel = (byte)(System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(destination.PixelFormat) / 8);

// processing start and stop X,Y positions                
int startX = rect.Left + kernelRadius;
int startY = rect.Top + kernelRadius;
int stopX = startX + rect.Width - 2 * kernelRadius;
int stopY = startY + rect.Height - 2 * kernelRadius;

int dstStride = destination.Stride;
int srcStride = source.Stride;

byte* srcCurrent = (byte*)source.ImageData.ToPointer() + srcStride * startY + srcBytesPerPixel * startX;
byte* dstCurrent = (byte*)destination.ImageData.ToPointer() + dstStride * startY + dstBytesPerPixel * startX;

byte* src = null;
byte* dst = null;

// variables for gradient calculation
float g = 0;
float max = 0;
float[,] gradients = new float[source.Height, source.Width];

// for each line
for (int y = startY; y &lt; stopY; y++)
    // for each pixel
    src = srcCurrent;
    dst = dstCurrent;
    for (int x = startX; x &lt; stopX; x++)
        //All cells for clarity: kernelX[0, 1], kernelX[1, 1] and kernelX[2, 1] are 0 and can be removed in expression
        int gx = kernelX[0, 0] * src[-srcStride - 1] + kernelX[0, 1] * src[-srcStride]  + kernelX[0, 2] * src[-srcStride + 1] +
                 kernelX[1, 0] * src[-1]             + kernelX[1, 1] * src[0]           + kernelX[1, 2] * src[1] +
                 kernelX[2, 0] * src[srcStride - 1]  + kernelX[2, 1] * src[srcStride]   + kernelX[2, 2] * src[srcStride + 1];

        //All cells for clarity: kernelY[1, 0], kernelY[1, 1] and kernelY[1, 2] are 0 and can be removed in expression
        int gy = kernelY[0, 0] * src[-srcStride - 1] + kernelY[0, 1] * src[-srcStride] + kernelY[0, 2] * src[-srcStride + 1] +
                 kernelY[1, 0] * src[-1]             + kernelY[1, 1] * src[0]          + kernelY[1, 2] * src[+1] +
                 kernelY[2, 0] * src[srcStride - 1]  + kernelY[2, 1] * src[srcStride]  + kernelY[2, 2] * src[srcStride + 1];

        if (useSum)
            g = Math.Abs(gy) + Math.Abs(gx);
            g = (float)Math.Sqrt(gx * gx + gy * gy);

        if (takeMin)
            g = Math.Min(255, g);

        if (g &gt; max)
            max = g;

        gradients[y, x] = g;
        src += srcBytesPerPixel;
        dst += dstBytesPerPixel;
    srcCurrent += srcStride;
    dstCurrent += dstStride;

// make the second pass for intensity scaling and byte casting
float factor = (float)255.0 / max;
dstCurrent = (byte*)destination.ImageData.ToPointer() + dstStride * startY + dstBytesPerPixel * startX;
// for each line
for (int y = startY; y &lt; stopY; y++)
    // for each pixel
    dst = dstCurrent;
    for (int x = startX; x &lt; stopX; x++)
        *dst = (byte)(factor * gradients[y, x]);
        dst += dstBytesPerPixel;
    dstCurrent += dstStride;

// draw black rectangle to remove those pixels, which were not processed
// (this needs to be done for those cases, when filter is applied &quot;in place&quot; -
// source image is modified instead of creating new copy)
AForge.Imaging.Drawing.Rectangle(destination, rect, Color.Black);


Status: New
