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ID Status Summary
412 New POSIT does not properly offset Z axis. Type-Defect
411 Accepted "ApplyMask" and "MaskedFilter" filters doesn't work correctlly Type-Defect Project-Imaging
410 New Convolution filter with threshold doubles frequency of 'zero' values Type-Defect
409 New AForge.Net VideoCaptureDevice.VideoCapabilities doesn't work. Type-Defect
408 New getting timestamp with avireader method Type-Defect
407 New Optional standard gradient calculation in Sobel filter Type-Enhancement
406 Fixed Patch for memory leak in Video.FFMPEG's VideoFileWriter::Close() Type-Contribution Project-Video
405 Invalid Missnig packages on NuGet Type-Defect
404 Rejected Export to GitHub Type-Defect
403 New Add Deep Reinforcement Learning to MachineLearning namespace Type-Enhancement
402 Rejected Keep Aspect Ratio Type-Defect
401 New Access Violation in Clone() for ROI subimage aligned with bottom of original image Type-Defect
400 New Subtraction of double with Complex has wrong output Type-Defect
399 New GC.KeepAlive for UnmanagedImages Type-Defect
398 New ProcessImage support for 32bpp Type-Enhancement
397 Rejected ignoring 12bit Videoformat fails ... obviously a typo <= instead of >= Type-Defect
396 Pending NewFrame event doesn't fire after stop and start again in Windows service Type-Defect
395 Frozen problems with 3 cameras Type-Defect
394 Fixed GetPinCapabilitiesAndConfigureSizeAndRate() does not release streamConfig Type-Defect Priority-Medium Project-Video
393 New FindHull Integer overrun Type-Defect
392 Invalid How can I set webcam framerate in ver 2.2.5 Type-Enhancement
391 New Face Recognition Type-Enhancement
390 New UniformGenerator using a seed of 0 Type-Enhancement
389 New Face Detection Type-Enhancement
388 Fixed Bug in GridMotionAreaProcessing constructor (wrong parameters for base ctor, line 189) Type-Defect Priority-Medium Project-Vision
387 New AVIWriter AddFrame causes arthimetic overflow Type-Defect
386 Pending Updated background sampling in Motion detector based on simple background modeling Type-Enhancement
385 Invalid m Type-Defect
384 Invalid Aforge network.Compute Method Type-Defect
383 New NullReferenceException at AForge.Video.JPEGStream.WorkerThread() Type-Defect
382 Rejected Windows Phone 8 and Aforge Neuro Type-Defect
381 New Get the video format attribute in VideoCapabilities class Type-Enhancement
380 New HoughLineTransformation unecessarily slow due to use of Math.Round Type-Contribution
379 New Video.FFMPEG For Windows Store Apps Type-Enhancement
378 Rejected AForge.Video project referenced AForge project, but not used it Type-Defect
377 New Change Private Constructors for ReplaceChannel, YCbCrReplaceChannel classes to Public Type-Enhancement
376 Rejected Filters.Grayscale does not maintain transparency. Type-Defect
375 Invalid How To Extract specific Frame in video file using AForge Library Type-Defect
374 New Extension for a legacy filter support. Type-Contribution
373 New UnmanagedImage.Create could have option not to zero unmanaged memory Type-Enhancement
372 New BlobCounter - support for white background Type-Enhancement
371 Rejected BlobCounter - support for simpliest image mode: bit format Type-Enhancement
370 Fixed AsyncVideoSource thread hangs when stopping. Type-Defect Project-Video Milestone-Coming
369 New RotateNearestNeighbor back and forth does not preserve the image Type-Defect
368 New Add jump to specific frame in Video.FFMPEG Type-Enhancement
367 Fixed Grayscaling turns white pixel (255) into gray pixel (254) Type-Defect Project-Imaging Milestone-Coming
366 New SobelEdgeDetector mode Type-Enhancement
365 New mpeg, vlc and other media player video not supported Type-Defect
364 NoEquipment Snapshot doesn't work even though snapshot capabilities are reported Type-Defect
362 New Basic seeking capability in FileVideoSource for Video.DirectShow Type-Contribution
361 Invalid Patch for /branches/2.2/Samples/Imaging/BlobsExplorer/BlobsBrowser.cs Type-Patch
360 New Support more FFMPEG codecs Type-Enhancement
359 Pending Two cameras error. With the version 2.0.0 the system works ok, but if I use the new version 2.2.5 I only can see one camera Type-Defect
358 New Newest FFmpeg with new API; FFmpeg 32 bit and 64 bit Type-Contribution
357 New IAMVideoProcAmp implementation Type-Contribution
356 Invalid MonoAndroid Type-Defect
355 New Improved algorithm for Median Cut Type-Enhancement
354 New Video.FFMPEG Release code signing issue (BOTH VS 2010 & VS 2012) Type-Defect
353 Rejected Video.FFMPEG Release code signing issue Type-Defect
352 New Loop base on array, not cross the row of array. Type-Enhancement
351 New Add Parallel Processing in method “Comput” of class "AForge.Neuro.Layer". Type-Enhancement
350 Rejected Histogram functions for MAX and MIN are not working correct Type-Defect
349 Released Implement Serializable for Matrix and Vector classes Type-Contribution Priority-Medium Project-Math
348 Rejected XOR Not Working Type-Defect
347 Rejected BlobCounter has memory leaks. Type-Defect
346 New Patch for /trunk/Sources/Genetic/Fitness Functions/SymbolicRegressionFitness.cs Type-Patch
345 Invalid about the graytoRGB ! Type-Defect
344 New ReplaceChannel with UnmanagedImage throws NullReferenceException Type-Defect
343 Fixed Indexing bug in the Singular Value Decomposition algorithm Type-Defect
342 New Blobs aren't equal after using their copy-constructor Type-Defect
341 Released ContrastCorrection wrong if factor == 1 Type-Defect
340 Rejected Recording and Shooting Type-Enhancement
339 Invalid distance calculation Type-Defect
338 New Approximation sample doesn't work Type-Defect
337 Released UnmanagedImage should call AddMemoryPressure and RemoveMemoryPressure Type-Defect Project-Imaging
336 New Nuget Package for "All Libraries" Type-Defect
335 Rejected Nuget package for Ximea [Aforge.Video.Ximea] dependency problem. Type-Defect
334 Rejected MJPEGStream object not working well when using VideoFileWriter to record in .NET framework 4 Type-Defect
333 Pending changes to directshow library to support video capture cards Type-Contribution
332 Rejected download problem Type-Defect
331 Released AForge.Math.Geometry.GrahamConvexHull FindHull Type-Defect Project-Math
330 New recognize other geometric shapes Type-Enhancement
329 Released Support for keeping aspect ratio in VideoSourcePlayer Type-Contribution Project-Controls
328 Rejected Timer_tick not work in VC# 2010 Type-Defect
327 Rejected FFMPEG NuGet package lib built against wrong framework version Type-Defect
326 Released Camera Control to set focus, exposure, and manual control Type-Enhancement Project-Video
325 Rejected Hi, I am running two webcams (tried different brands) to capture images for processing. At different times of continuous running my application stops receiving new frames for a few minutes until what looks like the GC fires then works for one memory ramp of working operation then the memory flat lines and I stop getting new frames again. Type-Defect
324 New whole System Crashes. Type-Defect
323 New FFMPEG VideoFileWriter in VideoCode.Raw too fast Type-Defect
322 New Creating VideoSourcePlayer in WCF-service causes timeout errors on access service methods Type-Defect Priority-Low
321 Invalid SetPixels when the original imagepixel is black don't work. (Tested with Format24bppRgb image) Type-Defect
320 New Genetic Algorithm is no therad safe Type-Defect
319 Fixed Memory Leak in AForge.Video.FFMPEG.VideoFileWriter's Open Close Method. Type-Defect Project-Video
318 New Cubic Spline Interpolation for Resize (cubic B-spline and cubic Bézier spline) Type-Enhancement
317 Released Screen capture IVideoSource Type-Contribution Project-Video
316 New Color support in the Vision module Type-Contribution
315 Invalid How to save live video stream from IP Camera as avi file on disk drive Type-Defect
314 Released IActivationFunction implementing ICloneable Type-Contribution
313 Rejected HistogramEqualization.Equalize should be made virtual Type-Enhancement