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7plus - issue #410

software conflict causes instability and suppreses some functionality (double-click taskbar event)

Posted on Dec 8, 2013 by Happy Hippo

Is it reproducible?

If yes, what steps will reproduce the problem? 1. try and use the "double-click empty space on taskbar to perform action [task inspector] with 7+ taskbar tweaker 2. even if the 7plus taskbar (double-click) events are disabled/deleted, the event-handling does not work. 3. closing 7plus resolves the issues, but the compromise is quite significant (no 7plus:( )

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

What version of the product are you using (Binary/Source/32/64bit)? On what operating system (XP,Vista,7,32/64bit)? windows 7 64-bit with 7plus 2.5.0

What is the language of your operating system/keyboard language?

Please provide any additional information below.


Comment #1

Posted on Dec 8, 2013 by Swift Rabbit

Can you use 7plus instead to launch task inspector? The functionalities obviously overlap, I'm not sure if I can do something about this.

Comment #2

Posted on Dec 8, 2013 by Happy Hippo

That's a very good question. I'm unable to see what process to call, as the inspector disappears when focus is lost... Looking in the tweaker install folder, the only executables are the app, and an installer. there's also a(n inject.)dll. would have to inspect the source to identify the functionality is implemented

Comment #3

Posted on Dec 8, 2013 by Massive Dog


I'm the author of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. I'm not familiar with AutoHotkey, but it seems like 7plus captures double click events even when no action is set for it.

Jonny, Taskbar Inspector runs from the context of explorer. You can't launch it with an executable, but you can do so by posting a message to the taskbar. The message needs to be registered with the RegisterWindowMessage function, and seems like 7plus doesn't support this.

While a proper fix for 7plus is preferable, a workaround can be achieved with my small "winapiexec" tool: http://rammichael.com/winapiexec The following command line will launch Taskbar Inspector: winapiexec.exe u@PostMessageW ( u@FindWindowW Shell_TrayWnd 0 ) ( u@RegisterWindowMessageW "7 Taskbar Tweaker" ) 0 100

Comment #4

Posted on Dec 9, 2013 by Happy Hippo

Hi, and thanks for the very useful info. That's great!!!!

I may try this, but the taskbar inspector's not the only option you've given us that I've grown accustomed to! Removed gaps and start buttons and added seconds, left click to cycle through windows, and reorderable thumbnails.

Regardless, many, many thanks, for your work and the update.

Comment #5

Posted on Dec 9, 2013 by Massive Dog

Jonny, I'm not suggesting to stop using 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. Taskbar Inspector won't work without the tweaker, anyway. I'm just suggesting a way of launching Taskbar Inspector from command line.

Comment #6

Posted on Dec 10, 2013 by Swift Rabbit

You're right, 7plus doesn't let the user use RegisterWindowMessage(), only fixed messages are supported. As 7plus doesn't inject code like 7+ Taskbar Tweaker seems to do, I can only catch the double click on the taskbar by rather unreliable means. It is done by capturing the left click, send a right click to the taskbar and observe the menu or window that appears. If a common context menu appears, empty space was clicked, otherwise the mouse was over a task button. The appearing windows/menus are closed fast enough so they won't be noticed most of the time.

If you can think of a better way to detect double clicks on the empty space properly please let me know. I'm not exactly happy with the current method but I couldn't find a better one with reasonable effort.

Comment #7

Posted on Dec 11, 2013 by Massive Dog

I'm not sure there's a way to detect an empty space without an injection and some manipulations. But the thing is that you're using this method even when no action for clicking on the empty space is set.

Comment #8

Posted on Dec 11, 2013 by Swift Rabbit

That's a good point, I'll see if I can fix it, should be easy.

Comment #9

Posted on Dec 11, 2013 by Swift Rabbit

I've fixed this issue, the new code is available on Github (not here, sorry, I kinda started with a project move, but didn't completely carry it through :( ). However, to use it, you need to get the current source from GitHub. It's much more advanced than the latest official release, so you'll probably like it ;)

Comment #10

Posted on Dec 11, 2013 by Swift Rabbit

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #11

Posted on Dec 19, 2013 by Happy Hippo

Thanks,I've just extracted the zip. AHK 64 is running and the 7plus.ahk worked a charm..

The taskbar functionality is back. Other functionality seems impaired - Am I suffering from conflicting hotkeys? winkey+c used to open command OR command from explorer path, now nothing is happening.

Is there a way of seeing what event handlers are operating?

Only 7taskbartweaker and 7plus running that I think are culprits.

Thank you. LOTS of changes to review!

Comment #12

Posted on Dec 19, 2013 by Happy Hippo

Also, I see there's an indexing operation/script that's presumably assisting in searching FS... I have the amazing Everything app for this. Can I disable this extra?

Thank you!

Comment #13

Posted on Dec 19, 2013 by Swift Rabbit

Comment deleted

Comment #14

Posted on Dec 19, 2013 by Swift Rabbit

You can enable debug mode under misc. You need to install DebugView in 7plus\DebugView. Then you can read log messages to see what triggers.

File search plugin (and indexing) can be disabled in Accessor->Plugins (uncheck File Search).

Comment #15

Posted on May 12, 2015 by Swift Ox

Hello! Help me please! Write how to install it? .. For two days I am suffering, nowhere is there information about how to install, even on the official website. When you install appear: 1) Note: The hotkey "c:: will not be active because it does not exist in the current keyboard layout 2) Error at line 25093. Line Text: #ezzRunExplorerO Error: Invalid hotkey. The program will exit. Windows and the installation is complete ( And so on all 4 computers I tried to establish the same messages ( Thank you very much!


Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium