Developer's Guide: Python

The YouTube Data API allows client applications to retrieve and update YouTube content in the form of Google Data API feeds. Your client application can use the YouTube Data API feeds to fetch, search and update videos, comments, responses, playlists, user profiles and user contacts as well as query for videos that match particular criteria.

In addition to providing some background on the capabilities of the YouTube Data API, this document provides examples for interacting with the API using the Python Client Library. To use the Python client library, you'll need Python 2.0+ and the Element Tree, httplib, and urllib modules. See Dependency Modules for further details.

If you need help setting up the Python client library, the Getting Started Guide is the place to look. If you're interested in understanding more about the underlying protocol used by the Python client library to interact with YouTube, see the Developer's Guide protocol page.

About this document


This document is intended for programmers who want to write client applications that can interact with YouTube using the Python client library. It provides a series of examples of basic data API interactions.

For YouTube Data API reference information, see the reference guide.

This document assumes that you understand the general ideas behind the Google Data APIs protocol, and that you know how to program in Python.

For reference information about the Python classes and methods, see the pyDocs (for the service class, and for the data classes) that are included with the source code.

Document structure

This document contains the following sections:

  • The Authentication section describes the two different authentication methods available for associating API operations with a specific user account. This section also outlines the differences between authentication for the YouTube Data API and other Google Data APIs. Throughout this document, the explanations of specific API functions will clearly indicate whether the function requires user authentication. In general all requests that modify video or feed data need to be authenticated. Read-only requests to public videos do not require authentication.

  • The Understanding video feeds and entries section provides a sample API response and explains how to extract information about a single video from a list of videos or a set of search results. This section also explains how to access meta-data about a specific video entry. Finally, this section explains the mechanism for updating an individual video entry.

  • The Retrieving and searching for videos section explains how to fetch specific lists of videos, such as a standard feed of YouTube's most popular videos. Other lists of videos include videos uploaded by a specific user and lists of videos related to a particular video. This section also explains how to use the API to let users search through YouTube's video library by specific search terms or categories.

  • The Uploading videos section briefly explains two ways that you can allow users to upload videos to YouTube from your application. Additionally, this section also explains how to upload videos as responses to other videos.

  • The Updating and deleting videos section describes how to use the API to update information about a YouTube video. It also describes how a video can be removed using the API.

  • The Using community features section describes API functions that allow your users to interact with YouTube videos. These functions explain requests for posting a rating, comment, or complaint to an existing video. You can also use the API to retrieve lists of video comments.

  • The Saving and collecting videos section explains how to use the API to access, create and update favorite videos, video playlists and subscriptions to YouTube channels. It also shows how to modify video playlists and favorites by adding and removing videos.

  • The Enabling user interaction section explains how to use the API to retrieve and update user profiles. This section also explains how to retrieve, add, update and delete user contacts.

Getting started


Your client application can use the YouTube Data API feeds to search for, retrieve and update videos, comments, responses, playlists, subscriptions, user profiles and more.

In addition to providing some background on the capabilities of the YouTube Data API, this document provides examples for interacting with the API using the Python Client Library. To use the Python client library, you'll need Python 2.2+ and the Element Tree, httplib, and urllib modules. See Dependency Modules for further details.

See the Getting Started Guide for more information on configuring your environment. If you're interested in understanding more about the underlying protocol used by the Python client library to interact with YouTube, see the Developer's Guide protocol page.

The snippets of sample code below can be copied/pasted into your code and modified to fit your needs.

Before you can perform any operations with the YouTube Data API, you must initialize a object, as shown below. The import statements listed below will automatically perform further imports from the and the gdata.geo modules. Please note that all actions aside from retrieving public content will require authentication.


yt_service =

# Turn on HTTPS/SSL access.
# Note: SSL is not available at this time for uploads.
yt_service.ssl = True

Most of the method examples in this guide operate upon an instance of It may be beneficial to test the unauthenticated requests from the interactive python interpreter.

Note: the Python client library must be properly added in your path. Please make sure you install it by running the provided script. Refer to the Getting Started Guide for more information.


The Python client library can be used to work with either public or private feeds. Public feeds are read-only and do not require any authentication. Private feeds require that you authenticate to the YouTube servers.

Authentication can be performed via ClientLogin authentication (for Desktop apps), or via AuthSub authentication (for web applications).

Setting your developer key and client ID

A developer key identifies the YouTube developer that is submitting an API request. A client ID identifies your application for logging and debugging purposes.

When you make an API request using the Python client library, the X-GData-Key request header is used to specify your developer key and the X-GData-Client header is used to specify your client ID. The developer key and client ID can be set on the YouTubeService object, independently of the authentication scheme that is being used:

yt_service.developer_key = 'ABCxyz123...'
yt_service.client_id = 'My-Client_id'

You will need to sign up for a YouTube developer key.

AuthSub authentication for web applications

AuthSub proxy authentication is used by web applications which need to authenticate their users to YouTube/Google accounts. The operator does not need access to the username and password for the YouTube user — only special AuthSub tokens are required.

When the user first visits your application, they have not yet been authenticated with Google's services. In this case, you need to provide them with a link directing the user to Google to authorize your applications' request for access to their YouTube account. The Python client library provides a function to generate this URL. The code below sets up a link to the AuthSubRequest page.

def GetAuthSubUrl():
  next = ''
  scope = ''
  secure = False
  session = True

yt_service =
return yt_service.GenerateAuthSubURL(next, scope, secure, session)

authSubUrl = GetAuthSubUrl()
print '<a href="%s">Login to your Google account</a>' % authSubUrl

Notice the parameters sent to the service objects' GenerateAuthSubURL method:

  • next — the URL of the page that YouTube should redirect the user to after they have authorized your application to access their account.
  • scope — indicating that the application will only access YouTube API feeds.
  • secure — indicating that the token returned will not be a secure token.
  • session — indicating this token can be exchanged for a multi-use (session) token.

The returned URL will look something like this:

The user can then follow the link to log-in to their YouTube account. After the user authorizes your application to access their account, they will then be redirected back to the next URL. The URL will have a single-use token value appended to it as a query parameter. The URL looks something like this:

The next section will demonstrate how to upgrade this token. The snippet below demonstrates one of the ways to retrieve this token from the URL:

import cgi
parameters = cgi.FieldStorage()
authsub_token = parameters[[]'token' ]

Upgrading to a session token

For security, this token is single-use only, so now you need to exchange this single-use token for a session token. This process is described in the AuthSub documentation. The following code snippet shows how to upgrade the token.

yt_service =

This token value represents a single-use AuthSub token. Since session = True was specified above, this token can be exchanged for an AuthSub session token using the UpgradeToSessionToken method, which calls the AuthSubSessionToken service.

Your YouTubeService object is now fully authenticated and can be used to perform all further requests with the YouTube API. AuthSub session tokens will not expire unless you specifically issue a request to revoke them, or the user decides to revoke access by visiting the Authorized Sites page in their YouTube account.

ClientLogin authentication for installed applications

ClientLogin authentication is used in installed applications that can either store or query your user for their username and password. To use this form of authentication, invoke the ProgrammaticLogin method of YouTubeService inherited from the gdata.service.GDataService class, specifying the ID and password of the user on whose behalf your client is sending the request to authenticate.

yt_service = = ''
yt_service.password = 'mypassword'
yt_service.source = 'my-example-application'

Once the credentials have been set, the YouTubeService object can be used to handle all further requests. To be able to perform uploads and any kind of 'write' requests (adding comments, etc) to the YouTube API, ensure that you also pass your developer key and client ID to the yt_service object when you perform authentication:

# A complete client login request = ''
yt_service.password = 'mypassword'
yt_service.source = 'my-example-application'
yt_service.developer_key = 'ABC123...'
yt_service.client_id = 'my-example-application'

The YouTubeService object automatically sets the correct X-GData-Key and X-GData-Client headers when the developer_key and client_id attributes are set.

Note: Please refer to the Google Data APIs authentication documentation for more detailed information on both the AuthSub and ClientLogin mechanisms.

Understanding video feeds and entries

The YouTube Data API provides several video feeds that represent lists of videos, such as standard feeds, uploads, subscriptions, and favorites. The URL for each feed is documented in the reference guide.

Displaying a feed of videos

Many feeds in the YouTube API consist of video entries. These feeds can most simply be modeled as objects, each containing a number of objects. Each video entry corresponds to exactly one video on YouTube and contains information about the video.

The basic structure of retrieving a list of videos is to construct a URL to a video feed and then process the entries one at a time, similar to the following code:

def GetAndPrintVideoFeed(uri):
  yt_service =
  feed = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoFeed(uri)
  for entry in feed.entry:
    PrintEntryDetails(entry) # full documentation for this function

The Retrieving and searching for videos section details many common feed URLs and how to retrieve various video feeds.

Retrieving a specific video entry

You can retrieve just the information for a specific video entry if you know its video ID. The entry URL is based on the video ID:

The following code retrieves a corresponding to a video on YouTube:

entry = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoEntry(video_id='the0KZLEacs')

Video entry contents

There are many pieces of meta-data that can be retrieved from a object, such as thumbnails, player URLs, and video duration. The following code demonstrates how to get at some of this information. The Python client library abstracts most of this functionality by mapping XML elements into classes. Most of the important information about a YouTubeVideoEntry entry is available from the children of the media attribute (containing a object) within the entry (representing the XML media:group element). Below is an example of how to retrieve video meta-data:

def PrintEntryDetails(entry):
  print 'Video title: %s' %
  print 'Video published on: %s ' % entry.published.text
  print 'Video description: %s' %
  print 'Video category: %s' %[[]0].text
  print 'Video tags: %s' %
  print 'Video watch page: %s' %
  print 'Video flash player URL: %s' % entry.GetSwfUrl()
  print 'Video duration: %s' %

  # non attributes
  print 'Video geo location: %s' % entry.geo.location()
  print 'Video view count: %s' % entry.statistics.view_count
  print 'Video rating: %s' % entry.rating.average

  # show alternate formats
  for alternate_format in
    if 'isDefault' not in alternate_format.extension_attributes:
      print 'Alternate format: %s | url: %s ' % (alternate_format.type,

  # show thumbnails
  for thumbnail in
    print 'Thumbnail url: %s' % thumbnail.url

Note: For more information on how to generate the required information for embedding a video with a player in your page please refer to the protocol guide.

Retrieving and searching for videos

Retrieving standard feeds

The YouTube Data API provides a standard feed of YouTube's most popular videos. The API previously supported other standard feeds, which have since been deprecated. See the Developer's Guide for more information.

The URL for the feed of YouTube's most popular videos has the following format:

Note: You can also retrieve locale-specific standard feeds by specifying a localeID in the format: For example, the most popular videos in Japan would be: For a complete list of supposed localeIDs, please refer to the reference guide.

def PrintVideoFeed(feed):
  for entry in feed.entry:

def GetAndPrintFeedByUrl:
  yt_service =

  # You can retrieve a YouTubeVideoFeed by passing in the URI
  uri = ''

Retrieving videos uploaded by a specific user

Each YouTube user has an associated video feed corresponding to the videos they have uploaded, at The following code demonstrates how to fetch and display a user uploads feed:

def GetAndPrintUserUploads(username):
  yt_service =
  uri = '' % username

Note: You may also use the string 'default' in place of username to retrieve videos for the currently authenticated user.

To retrieve related videos, pass the video id of the object to the object's GetYouTubeRelatedVideoFeed method. This retrieves a YouTubeVideoFeed object containing related entries.

related_feed = yt_service.GetYouTubeRelatedVideoFeed(video_id='abc123')

Searching for videos

The YouTube Data API lets you request a set of entries that match specified criteria, such as requesting video entries published by a particular author, by video format or containing a particular keyword. To do this, you create a gdata.service.YouTubeVideoQuery object with your particular search criteria and pass it to the's YouTubeQuery method.

The example below shows how to perform a search query, with results ordered by view count, including restricted videos (referred to as 'Racy' by the API):

def SearchAndPrint(search_terms):
  yt_service =
  query =
  query.vq = search_terms
  query.orderby = 'viewCount'
  query.racy = 'include'
  feed = yt_service.YouTubeQuery(query)

The gdata.service.Query class and subclasses like YouTubeVideoQuery, are responsible for constructing feed URLs. The VideoQuery shown above constructs a URL equivalent to the following:<searchTerms>&racy=include&orderby=viewCount

Here are some of the most common YouTubeVideoQuery properties for setting search parameters:

Sets the author of the entry. Author is synonymous with YouTube username.
Specifies a video format. Accepts numeric parameters to specify one of two kinds of RTSP streaming URLs for mobile video playback or a HTTP URL to the embeddable Flash player.
Indicates whether restricted content should be included in the results. Accepts only two parameters: 'include' or 'exclude'.
Sets the maximum number of entries to return at one time.
Sets the 1-based index of the first result to be retrieved (for paging).
Sets the order in which to list entries, such as by relevance, viewCount, published, or rating.
Sets a time period to limit standard feed results to: today, this_week, this_month, or all_time.
Sets a search query term. Searches for the specified string in all video metadata, such as titles, tags, and descriptions.

Note: For more information about query parameters, see the YouTube Data API Reference Guide and the Google Data APIs Reference Guide.

Searching with categories and keywords

You can restrict search results to show only videos that match a given set of categories and keywords. The reference guide describes how to specify both pre-defined YouTube categories (such as Music, People & Blogs, etc.) and user-defined keywords (tags).

The following code demonstrates how to search using keywords (tags) by changing the search terms to lowercase. Note: Since some words (such as "comedy") can be both a YouTube category and a keyword, category and keyword queries use the convention that a capitalized word ("Comedy") denotes a YouTube category, while a lowercase word ("comedy") denotes a keyword.

def SearchAndPrintVideosByKeywords(list_of_search_terms):
  yt_service =
  query =
  query.orderby = 'viewCount'
  query.racy = 'include'
  for search_term in list_of_search_terms:
    new_term = search_term.lower()
    query.categories.append('/%s' % new_term)
  feed = yt_service.YouTubeQuery(query)

Searching by developer Tags

Developer tags are additional, hidden keywords that a developer may use to tag content uploaded through their application by end users. Developer tags are matched to the developer key set in the headers during the upload. These keywords will not be visible to the public and may be used to retrieve videos. To search for videos by a specific developer tag, send a general YouTube Data API search request using your developer key. Be sure to specify the category scheme and the developer tag that videos must match. You can retrieve a feed of videos matching to your developer tag ('your_tag_here' in our example) from the URL below:

developer_tag_uri = ''
yt_service =

Uploading videos

Please make sure to review the diagrams in the protocol guide for a high-level overview of the upload process. Uploading videos can be done in one of two ways:

  • either by uploading the video directly from your servers through the Direct Upload method
  • or by sending the meta-data first, and then having the user upload the video directly to YouTube through the Browser-based Upload method

Direct upload

In order to upload a video, you must first construct a new object, passing it a object containing required meta-data. The following example shows uploading the Quicktime video "" to YouTube with the following properties:

TitleMy Test Movie
Keywordscars, funny
DescriptionMy description
File MIME typevideo/quicktime
Video private?false
Video location37,-122 (lat,long)
Developer Tagsmydevelopertag, anotherdevelopertag

The code below creates a blank YouTubeVideoEntry to be uploaded. The InsertVideoEntry method on the YouTubeService requires the following parameters:

  • video_entry — the object containing meta-data
  • filename_or_handle — A file-like object or the filename from which the video will be read from
  • youtube_username — An optional string specifying the username into which account this video is to be uploaded. Your account will need the appropriate permissions of course. This defaults to the currently authenticated user's account.
  • content_type — An optional string specifying the MIME-type of the video to be uploaded.
Please note that these examples assume that the yt_service variable refers to a fully authenticated YouTubeService object.

# prepare a media group object to hold our video's meta-data
my_media_group ='My Test Movie'),'plain',
                                      text='My description'),'cars, funny'),

# prepare a geo.where object to hold the geographical location
# of where the video was recorded
where = gdata.geo.Where()

# create the to be uploaded
video_entry =,

# set the path for the video file binary
video_file_location = '/path/to/my/'

new_entry = yt_service.InsertVideoEntry(video_entry, video_file_location)

If we wanted to tag our video with optional developer tags (see Searching by Developer Tags for more details), we could have used the AddDeveloperTags method prior to perfoming the call to InsertVideoEntry:

developer_tags = [[]'some_tag_01', 'another_tag']

Note: To upload videos as private, a private attribute must be passed to the

my_media_group ='My Test Movie'),'plain',
                                      text='My description'),'cars, funny'),

video_entry =

# assuming that video_file_location points to a valid path
new_entry = yt_service.InsertVideoEntry(video_entry, video_file_location)

Browser-based upload

Browser-based uploading is performed almost identically to direct uploading, except that you do not upload your file binary in the same request that you use to send in the video meta-data. Instead, you simply create a YouTubeVideoEntry that contains meta-data only. This video entry then gets posted to a special link on the YouTube API server. The XML response contains a token and a url which can then be used to upload the binary file using a standard HTML form.

# create media group as usual
my_media_group ='My Test Movie'),'plain',
                                      text='My description'),'cars, funny'),

# create video entry as usual
video_entry =

# upload meta data only
response = yt_service.GetFormUploadToken(video_entry)

# parse response tuple and use the variables to build a form (see next code snippet)
post_url = response[[]0]
youtube_token = response[[]1]

The above code prints out a link and a token that is used to construct an HTML form to display in the user's browser. A simple example form is shown below with youtube_token representing the content of the returned token element, as shown being retrieved from YouTubeVideoEntry above. In order for the user to be redirected to your website after submitting the form, make sure to append a next parameter to the post_url (as shown below), which will function in the same way as the next parameter of an AuthSub link. The only difference is that here, instead of a single-use token, a status and an id variable are returned as URL parameters.

next = ''

form = """<form action="%s?nexturl=%s" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
          <input name="file" type="file"/>
          <input name="token" type="hidden" value="%s"/>
          <input value="Upload Video File" type="submit" />
          </form>""" % (post_url, next, youtube_token)

A response for a successful upload would then look like this:

The status parameter returns the HTTP transaction status of the upload transaction. The id parameter returns the YouTube video id that was assigned to the uploaded video.

Checking upload status

After uploading a video, it will immediately be visible in an authenticated user's uploads feed. However, it will not be public on the site until it has been processed. Videos that have been rejected or failed to upload successfully will also only be in the authenticated user's uploads feed. The following code checks the status of a YouTubeVideoEntry to see if it is not live yet or if it has been rejected.

upload_status = yt_service.CheckUploadStatus(new_entry)

if upload_status is not None:
  video_upload_state = upload_status[[]0]
  detailed_message = upload_status[[]1]

Updating and deleting videos

Updating video information

To update video meta-data, simply update the YouTubeVideoEntry object and then use the YouTubeService objects' UpdateVideoEntry method. This method takes as a parameter a YouTubeVideoEntry that contains updated meta-data.

# assuming we have a video entry that was just posted in our 'new_entry' variable = 'My Updated Video Title' = 'Just updated'

updated_entry = yt_service.UpdateVideoEntry(new_entry)

Deleting a video

Deleting a video is very simple and just involves a call to the DeleteVideoEntry of the YouTubeService object.

response = yt_service.DeleteVideoEntry(entry_to_be_deleted)

if response:
  print 'Video successfully deleted!'

Using community features

Adding a rating

To rate a video, use the AddRating method of the YouTubeService object. Please note that you cannot rate your own videos and that ratings must be between 1 and 5 (inclusive):

video_id_to_rate = 'Ncakifd_16k'
video_entry = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoEntry(video_id=video_id_to_rate)
response = yt_service.AddRating(3, video_entry)


Retrieving comments for a video

Given a YouTubeVideoEntry object or a simple video Id, you can retrieve and print a feed containing the comments for the video using the GetYouTubeVideoCommentFeed method of the YouTubeService object. The resulting feed is a, consisting of objects. The feed can be parsed like any other feed:

video_id = 'ABC123...'
comment_feed = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoCommentFeed(video_id=video_id)

for comment_entry in comment_feed.entry:
  print comment_entry.ToString()

Adding a comment

To add a new comment, simpy use the AddComment method of the YouTubeService object. The method requires a full YouTubeVideoEntry object which is to be commented on, as well as a string that represents the comment:

my_comment = 'what a boring test video'
video_id = '9g6buYJTt_g'
video_entry = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoEntry(video_id=video_id)
yt_service.AddComment(comment_text=my_comment, video_entry=video_entry)

Video Responses

A YouTube video response was a video that was associated, as a reply, with a second video. The video responses feature has been retired as explained in this announcement. While existing video responses are still available, YouTube no longer supports the ability to retrieve a list of video responses for a video, to upload new video responses, or to delete video responses, though you can delete the video that was used in a video response. Consequently, these functions are also no longer supported in the API.

API requests for video response operations now return the following:

  • A request to retrieve video responses for a video returns an empty list.
  • A request to add a video response returns a 403 HTTP response code.
  • A request to delete a video response returns a 403 HTTP response code.

Flagging a video

Adding a complaint about a video is done with the AddComplaint method on the YouTubeService object. The complaint term must be a valid category. Please refer to the Adding a complaint section in the protocol guide for more information.

video_id_to_flag = 'Ncakifd_16k'
complaint_term = 'VIOLENCE'
complaint_text = ('Please ignore this complaint. '
                  'I\'m testing a YouTube API and needed to issue '
                  'a complaint to test the add complaint function. ')

response = yt_service.AddComplaint(complaint_text, complaint_term, video_id_to_flag)

Saving and collecting videos

Favorite videos

Retrieving a user's favorite videos

YouTube users can choose to mark videos they watch as favorites. The general location for a user's favorite feed is the following URL.

To retrieve a user's favorite videos, use the GetUserFavoritesFeed method of the YouTubeService object. The method takes an optional string as a parameter representing the YouTube username of the user whose favorite feed is to be retrieved.

favorite_feed = yt_service.GetUserFavoritesFeed(username='gdpython')

The returned feed is a regular video feed, containing YouTubeVideoEntry objects.

Note: Alternatively, you may pass in the string default to retrieve favorites for the currently authenticated user. This is the default behavor of the GetUserFavoritesFeed method if no username is provided.

Adding a favorite

To add a favorite video use the YouTubeService object's AddVideoEntryToFavorites method. The parameters are the YouTubeVideoEntry which is to be added and optionally the username to whose favorites it is to be added (the default is the currently authenticated user).

video_id = 'Ncakifd_16k'
video_entry = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoEntry(video_id=video_id)
response = yt_service.AddVideoEntryToFavorites(video_entry)

# The response, if successfully posted is a YouTubeVideoEntry
if isinstance(response,
  print 'Video successfully added to favorites'

Deleting a favorite

To delete a favorite, simply use the DeleteVideoEntryFromFavorites method of the YouTubeService object.

video_id = 'Ncakifd_16k'
response = yt_service.DeleteVideoEntryFromFavorites(video_id)
if response is True:
  print 'Video deleted from favorites'


Each YouTube user has a playlist feed which contains all of the playlists that the user has created. Each playlist then has a feed for all the videos that are on it.

Retrieving user playlists

To fetch a list of all of a user's playlists by hand, you would use the following URL:

Using the Python client library, you can use the GetYouTubePlaylistFeed method of the YouTubeService object:

playlist_feed = yt_service.GetYouTubePlaylistFeed(username='gdpython')

# instead of passing in a username, you can also pass the URI to the playlist feed:
playlist_feed = yt_service.GetYouTubePlaylistFeed(uri='')

Note: Instead of passing a specific username (such as 'gdpython' in the example above), you can also pass in the string 'default' to refer to the currently authenticated user.

A represents a feed of objects. These refer to the individual playlists that a user may have. Video entries on a particular playlist are represented as objects. These objects are very similar to regular objects with a few exceptions. Custom titles and descriptions can be applied to the videos, and a position field indicates where the video appears in the playlist.

Retrieving playlist information

Given a YouTubePlaylistEntry (representing a specific playlist), you can obtain a YouTubePlaylistVideoFeed that contains YouTubePlaylistVideoEntry objects. As explained above, these objects represent individual videos on a playlist (with optional custom titles and description). You can obtain this feed by passing the URI of your playlist to the GetYouTubePlaylistVideoFeed method of the YouTubeService object:

# a typical playlist URI
playlist_uri = ''

playlist_video_feed = yt_service.GetYouTubePlaylistVideoFeed(uri=playlist_uri)

# iterate through the feed as you would with any other
for playlist_video_entry in playlist_video_feed.entry:
  print playlist_video_entry.title.text

Adding a playlist

To add a new playlist, simply use the AddPlaylist method of the YouTubeService object. This method takes the following parameters: playlist_title, playlist_description (both strings) and an optional boolean that can be set to True if the playlist is to be marked as private.

new_public_playlistentry = yt_service.AddPlaylist('my new playlist', 'a new playlist')

if isinstance(new_public_playlistentry,
  print 'New playlist added'

# adding a private playlist
new_private_playlistentry = yt_service.AddPlaylist('new private playlist', 'a new private playlist', True)

if isinstance(new_private_playlistentry,
  print 'New private playlist added'

Updating a playlist

To update a playlist, use the UpdatePlaylist method of the YouTubeService object. The method takes the following parameters: the id of the playlist to be updated, a new title, a new description, an optional boolean to mark the playlist private and an optional string indicating the username that owns the playlist. The string will default to the currently authenticated user.

# here we are updating a public playlist with a new title while also making it private

# we assume that playlist_to_be_updated here represents a YouTubePlaylistEntry object
playlist_entry_id ='/')[[]-1]

# we want to keep the original description for the playlist so we store it first
original_description = playlist_to_be_updated.description.text

updated_playlist = yt_service.UpdatePlaylist(playlist_entry_id,
                                             'a new updated title',

Add video to playlist

You can add a video to a playlist by using the AddPlaylistVideoEntryToPlaylist method of the YouTubeService object. The code below adds a video to a playlist, with a custom title and description.

custom_video_title = 'my test video on my test playlist'
custom_video_description = 'this is a test video on my test playlist'
video_id = 'Ncakifd_16k'
playlist_uri = ''

playlist_video_entry = yt_service.AddPlaylistVideoEntryToPlaylist(
    playlist_uri, video_id, custom_video_title, custom_video_description)

if isinstance(playlist_video_entry,
  print 'Video added'

Note: Please note that a custom title and description are not required, and if these are not specified, then the video's actual title and description will be used.

Edit video info on playlist

Use the UpdatePlaylistVideoEntryMetaData method of the YouTubeService object to change the meta-data for a YouTubePlaylistVideoEntry. In the example below we decide to give our video a new custom title and move it to the first position (position 1) on our playlist.

playlist_uri = ''
playlist_entry_id = 'B0F29389E537F888'

new_video_title = 'a useful video'
new_video_description = 'updated video description'

updated_playlist_video_entry = yt_service.UpdatePlaylistVideoEntryMetaData(
    playlist_uri, playlist_entry_id, new_video_title, new_video_description, 1)

Note: If you would like to revert a video's description and title on a playlist back to the original meta-data, just pass in NULL for both title and description.

Remove video from playlist

To remove a video from a playlist, use the DeletePlaylistVideoEntry method of the YouTubeService object. The method requires the URI of the playlist that contains the entry to be deleted as well as the id of the entry:

playlist_uri = ''
playlist_entry_id = 'B0F29389E537F888'
response = yt_service.DeletePlaylistVideoEntry(playlist_uri,
if response is True:
  print 'Entry successfully deleted'

Deleting a playlist

To delete a playlist, simply use the DeletePlaylist method of the YouTubeService object, passing in the URI of the playlist to be deleted:

playlist_uri = ''
response = yt_service.DeletePlaylist(playlist_uri)

if response is True:
  print 'Playlist successfully deleted'


To fetch a list of the channels, searches, and favorites that a given user is subscribed to, use the following URI:

Note: Alternatively, you may pass in the string default to retrieve favorites for the currently authenticated user.

Retrieving user subscriptions

The following code demonstrates how to retrieve and print the list of subscriptions for a given user. Subscriptions are represented as a consisting of objects. To retrieve subscriptions, use the GetYouTubeSubscriptionFeed method of the YouTubeService object, passing in either the URI of a subscription feed or the username whose subscription feed is to be retrieved. The username parameter defaults to the currently authenticated user.

subscription_feed = yt_service.GetYouTubeSubscriptionFeed(username='gdpython')

if isinstance(subscription_feed,
  # given a YouTubeSubscriptionEntry we can determine it's type (channel, favorite, or query)
  for entry in subscription_feed.entry:
    print entry.GetSubscriptionType()

Adding a subscription

You can create a new subscription by inserting a new YouTubeSubsciptionEntry into the authenticated user's subscriptions feed. We can create three types of subscriptions: A subscription to a user's channel (using AddSubscriptionToChannel), a subscription to a user's favorites (using AddSubscriptionToFavorites or a subscription to a specific keyword (using AddSubscriptionToQuery). The following code subscribes the authenticated user to the "GoogleDevelopers" channel.

new_subscription = yt_service.AddSubscriptionToChannel(

if isinstance(new_subscription,
  print 'New subscription added'

You can also subscribe to the favorites of the "GoogleDevelopers" user:

new_subscription = yt_service.AddSubscriptionToFavorites(
if isinstance(new_subscription,
  print 'New subscription added'

Lastly, you can also subscribe to specific search terms. Here we are subscribing to a query for videos tagged "python".

new_subscription = yt_service.AddSubscriptionToQuery(query='python')

if isinstance(new_subscription,
  print 'New subscription added'

Deleting a subscription

To delete a user subscription, use the DeleteSubscription method of the YouTubeService object.

sample_subscription_uri = (''

response = yt_service.DeleteSubscription(sample_subscription_uri)

if response is True:
  print 'Subscription successfully deleted'

Enabling user interaction

User Profiles

Retrieving a user's profile

To fetch a user's YouTube profile by hand, you would use the following URI:

You can retrieve a with the GetYouTubeUserEntry method of the YouTubeService object.

user_entry = yt_service.GetYouTubeUserEntry(username='gdpython')

# we can then write a helper function to print out the user details
def PrintUserEntry(entry):
  # print required fields where we know there will be information
  print 'URI: %s\n' %
  print 'Age: %s\n' % entry.age.text
  print 'Gender: %s\n' % entry.gender.text
  print 'Location: %s\n' % entry.location.text

  # check if there is information in the other fields and if so print it
  if user.first_name: 
    print 'First Name: %s\n' % user.first_name.text
  if user.last_name:
    print 'Last Name: %s\n' % user.last_name.text
  if user.relationship:
    print 'Relationship: %s\n' % user.relationship.text
  if user.description:
    print 'About me: %s\n' % user.description.text
  for link in
    if link.rel == 'related':
      print 'Website: %s\n' % link.href
    print 'Company: %s\n' %
  if user.occupation:
    print 'Occupation: %s\n' % user.occupation.text
    print 'School: %s\n' %
  if user.hobbies:
    print 'Hobbies: %s\n' % user.hobbies.text
  if user.movies:
    print 'Movies: %s\n' % user.movies.text
    print 'Music: %s\n' %
  if user.books:
    print 'Books: %s\n' % user.books.text
  if user.hometown:
    print 'Hometown: %s\n' % user.hometown.text


The list of contacts for a given user can be retrieved from the following URL:

Retrieving user contacts

The GetYouTubeContactFeed method of the YouTubeService object can be used to retrieve a, consisting of objects.

contact_feed = yt_service.GetYouTubeContactFeed(username='GoogleDevelopers')
for entry in contact_feed.entry:
  print entry.title.text
  # find the apprpriate category element to find out the contact type
  for category in entry.category:
    if category.scheme == '':
      print category.term

Adding a contact

To add a new contact to a users contact feed, use the AddContact method of the YouTubeService object.

new_contact = yt_service.AddContact(contact_username='GoogleDevelopers')

if isinstance(new_contact,
  print 'New contact added'

Accepting/rejecting a contact

To update a contact, use the UpdateContact method of the YouTubeService object. This method can be used to accept/reject contact requests and also to categorize contacts as either 'Friend' or 'Family'. In the example below we accept a contact, and then set its category to 'Family':

# in this case user 'gdpython' has requested to be our contact
#so the original contact status is 'pending'
updated_contact = yt_service.UpdateContact('gdpython', 'accepted', 'Family')

if isinstance(updated_contact,
  print 'New contact added'

Deleting a contact

To delete a contact, use the DeleteContact method of the YouTubeService object, passing in the username of the contact that you want to delete.

response = yt_service.DeleteContact(contact_username='gdpython')

if response is True:
  print 'Contact deleted'

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