Wiki-to-Speech is the former name of the SlideSpeech project. Roughly speaking, the original project was the Open Allure Dialog System which focused on a desktop application, this project, Wiki-to-Speech, focused on a mobile application and finally SlideSpeech focused on a web application.
Companion Android/Python wiki-to-speech project. Drive text-to-speech interaction using wiki-based scripts. Scripts can include statements, question/answer/response (multiple choice), links to websites, flashcards, links to other scripts. Useful for broadcast of collaboratively created communications (uses wiki pages the way Wikipedia does). Can deliver web voiceovers. Additional project resources (Python code) are located at http://openallureds.org
June 15, 2012: SlideSpeech Android App launch on Google Play. To create a presentation to play with this Android player app, put the voice over script in the speaker notes of your presentation and e-mail the presentation to convert@slidespeech.com
May 28, 2012: SlideSpeech entry in Why Open Education Matters video competition posted to YouTube
May 2012: Pilot conversion service at convert@slidespeech.com. Just e-mail a presentation containing a voice over script in the speaker notes of each slide.
8 March 2012: SlideSpeech Limited Funded by angel investor
23 February 2012: SlideSpeech Limited Founded
25 November 2011: Purchased NZ$149 Apad and NZ$32 microSDCard (~US$135 total) to play video output by the SlideSpeech converter:
21 November 2011: Presentation to Global Education Conference 2011.
26 October 2011: SlideSpeech 1.1 posted on Android Market. YouTube video.
09 October 2011: Presented to Learning2gether
25 August 2011: Prepared for Kiwi PyCon 2011 with posting of version 0.1.8 Python code and compiled versions for * Mac OSX * Windows
Prerequisites: * SoX Sound eXchange * (for Windows) LAME
The Wiki-to-Speech CherryPy version should play scripts from: * Dropbox (no public edits): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12838403/20110822/pycon2011/script.txt * Wiki (member edits): http://code.google.com/p/open-allure-ds/wiki/KiwiPyCon2011 * Etherpad (open to public edits): http://ietherpad.com/pycon2011-john-graves while the pre-recorded version should play in FireFox/Chrome/Internet Explorer/Safari:
18 August 2011: Prepared for MMVC11 presentation, posting 15 minute talk. For smoother playback, this talk can also be downloaded in ZIP format (unzip and then open mmvc11.htm in your browser). Students interested in how to author scripts in PowerPoint and then use Dropbox to share files can watch the how-to instructions.
13 August 2011: Posted Wiki-to-Speech-OSX-0.1.4.zip which combines in one .ZIP file the Wiki-to-Speech application and Wiki-to-Speech from ODP utility for Mac OSX.
23 July 2011: Posted YouTube video of Wiki-to-Speech ODP Conversion, demonstrating playback on a FireFox web browser (using the Mac Alex voice) and the Google Nexus S Android phone (using the Loquendo Susan voice).
19 July 2011: Posted odp2wts-OSX-1.1.zip containg the odp2wts conversion utility for Mac OSX. This converts an Open Office Presentation file (.odp) into a .zip file for playing on Android and to .htm/.png/.mp3/.ogg files for playing in a browser. See the 3 minute installation and demo video.
6 July 2011: Presented at CITRENZ 2011 using this Wiki-to-Speech presentation (32 slides).
2 July 2011: Positive feedback from eduMOOC (including 700 bit.ly hits), particularly in response to the week 1 summary which was produced while the presentation was being delivered (and subsequently updated with a couple of additional slides).
24 June 2011: Signed up for eduMOOC and created a demonstration of sign up instructions.
18 June 2011: Source code and new APK version 3 posted
21 May 2011: Posting regarding Wiki-to-Speech: A New Kind of Mobile OER at WSIS
20 April 2011: CherryPy and Wiki-to-Speech presentation at Auckland Python User Group.
5 April 2011: Added code to read QR Codes into Wiki-to-Speech so you can now have QR Code-to-Speech. Set up system for Etherpad name tags for Androids in Auckland Meetup.
4 April 2011: Wiki-to-Speech was disqualified from Chatterbox Challenge 2011.
15 March 2011: Chatterbox Challenge 2011 begins. Vote here.
14 March 2011: Uploaded free WikiToSpeech.apk (version 1.0) to Android Market with Chatterbox Challenge 2011 Script loaded as default.