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wicket-extjs-integration - Licensing.wiki


The wicket-extjs-integration project is developed under the Apache License. Because Ext JS is released under the terms of the GPL, the licensing is non-trivial.


The licenses that are at work are * The Apache Software License version 2.0 (ASL2) * The GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL3)

Sencha Licensing Exceptions

Sencha has created exceptions to the GPL allow development of suitably alternatively licensed libraries and applications. Two licensing exceptions for Ext JS exist: * Exception for Development * Exception for Applications


The different modules in the project interact with Ext JS in different ways, so they each are dealt with in a separate manner.

wicket-extjs module License

The (java) Wicket integration is developed under the "Exception for Development". It does not (cannot) bundle the Ext JS code. Since this module contains the java code, it will be required when compiling a Wicket application.

wicket-extjs-bundle module License

This module contains the Ext JS code and it's modifications. It is therefore released under the same terms Ext JS is. I.e. this module is licensed under version 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).

It is possible to use this bundle in an free/open source application with the use of the "Exception for Applications". It is also possible to develop against this library with the use of the "Exception for Development. This is also what the wicket-extjs module is using.

wicket-extjs-examples License

This application includes Ext JS code (via an wicket-extjs-bundle dependency) and uses the "Exception for Applications" to be an ASL