
An easy way to find explanations to ReSharper highlightings.


Imagine you open a file with ReSharper suggestions or warnings or errors and doubt whether the tool is correct.

You may feel the suggestions are ok - but if you want to become a better developer, you need to understand the reason behind them. Otherwise the tool will be smarter than you ;)

(It works the other way around too. Smart people are often good mentors, and you may want to share your knowledge about some R# suggestion - just because someone else might be struggling with the same issue right now.)

So, Whysharper provides an easy and natural way for sharing and learning.


With the plugin installed, there's a new option added to every R# suggestion:

http://codevanced.net/image.axd?picture=2009%2f8%2fwhy-unused-directives.png' width='400' height='123' />

http://codevanced.net/image.axd?picture=2009%2f8%2fwhy-can-be-static.png' border='1' width='380' height='106' />

http://codevanced.net/image.axd?picture=2009%2f8%2fwhy-redundant-catch.png' width='380' height='188' />

After you hit the "why" you'll get a link or two with decent discussions. Just read over and you'll understand why you may need a change.

What's next?

It's a community tool and it's you, the user, who will make it shine.

A lot of R# suggestions don't have links to the explanations yet - and existing ones might be unavailable or outdated.

If you come across a dead link or know a worthwhile discussion about a particular issue, feel free to open a bug. After your suggestion is applied, it will become visible to all Whysharper users next time they restart Visual Studio.

Project Information