
Google App Engine CMS

Vosao CMS for Google App Engine.

=======> First non-beta release : vosaocms-1.0.0.war can be downloaded now from Google Drive

=======> Latest release : vosaocms-1.0.1.war can also be downloaded from Google Drive

Vosao (vo-za) is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to build web sites and powerful online applications on the Google App Engine platform for Java. The project posted its first release candidate on 29 December 2009.

Vosao CMS features include visual (WYSIWYG) editing, MediaWiki syntax support, friendly URLs, internationalization, parent/child page system, nested and programmable templates, commenting (with moderation), site import/export, content versioning, security and group management, resource management, reCaptcha, Google Analytics, plugins, input forms, SEO URLs, and more, along with free hosting on the Google cloud.

  • Visit www.vosao.org to learn more about installing and using the latest public release.

  • Visit staging.vosao.org for the work-in-progress on the next release.

Vosao CMS is a collaborative open source project. All project development take places through this Google Code project site. New features and fixes are discussed and first documented through the issue tracker. To keep abreast with development, simply stay current with updates to the project site.

You do not need to be a developer to use Vosao CMS. Upon request, our volunteers will install the latest stable version to a new appspot site. Just invite support@vosao.org as a developer of your application. Once installed, the entire site can be managed through a web browser.

The Vosao project was started in August 2009 in order to develop an open source tool for free site hosting on Google App Engine.

Online DEMO

Available running online demo.


Sites using Vosao CMS

Project Information

cms gae java