http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/ambassadors/showcase'>http://voicetogoog.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/qt_ambassador_logo.png' />
VoiceToGoog Niels P. Mayer ( http://www.nielsmayer.com )VoiceToGoog helps people organize their voice thoughts using text annotation automatically provided by voice-to-text technology. All notes are time and location stamped to provide easy context-sensitivity -- allowing visual browsing of one's notes, activities (external program launch) by both time and location. The browsing experience is augmented by map-view mashups indicating where given speech/note/activity took place. As a utility application, VoiceToGoog is a primary enabler of mobile literacy because it allows the user the ability to use voice instead of typing and can even read back the transcribed text. Of course you can do all the expected things like using voice for Google-search, YouTube-search, map-search, or e-mail on the transcribed contents, or using the spoken phone number, or contact name, to call or email that contact.Coming soon... Simile-Widgets Exhibit-based Embedded Webserver Faceted Search
Coming soon... Simile-Widgets Exhibit-based Embedded Webserver Map-View
Coming soon... Simile-Widgets Exhibit-based Embedded Webserver Timeline-View
Coming soon... Simile-Widgets Exhibit-based Embedded Webserver Calendar-View
## Now available for free download at store.nokia.com! ## VoiceToGoog 0.3.0 has been released for free download at http://store.nokia.com/content/195998 for the amazing [Linux/!MeeGo-based](http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/docs/library/html/guide/html/Developer_Library_MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan_Developer_Library.html) [Nokia N9](http://swipe.nokia.com) as well as the [Nokia N950 developer handset](http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/21/nokias-n950-developer-meego-handset-gets-official-4-inch-displ/). See also:
- http://my-meego.com/downloads/search.php?name=VoiceToGoog
- http://www.mwkn.net/2011/45/apps.html
- http://nokia.hdblog.it/2011/11/04/voicetogoog-il-riconoscimento-vocale-di-google-multifunzione-per-meego-harmattan-video/
- http://hassantahir.com/2011/11/voicetogoog-speech-recognition-multipurpose-meego-harmattan-google/
Details View
Menu View
Recording a new voice note, prior to transcription (v 0.1.0)
## Screenshots of Version 0.2.1 ## Details View, Russian Selected
Details View, Polish Selected (also showing some Romanian words understood by selecting Turkish language comprehension).
English dialect selection in Language Menu
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The platform tools, such as video/photo capture tools, may offer options to embed geolocation information with their media. VoiceToGoog would make use of this information in enabling voice-and-location annotation of arbitrary media/document items on the handset. This is achieved via Gallery/Tracker integration to allow voice-to-text annotation of geotagged photos and videos. Geotagged media displays similar to VoiceToGoog's audio notes in the map-view, but with a different icon indicative of media type, such as audio, video, photo, etc. This would be a significant improvement in the http://code.google.com/p/ytd-meego/wiki/CitizenJournalismWithYoutubeDirectForMeego concept -- in terms of selecting and reporting on media with external audio notes and their transcribed textual representation. In practice, the selected map-region plots captured media-files and their associated geolocation info by searching via http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.2/qml-gallerycontainsfilter.html and looking up geotag information from http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.2/qml-documentgalleryitem.html#properties-prop . These "media landmarks" can then be associated with any number of VoiceToGoog audio annotations, which would show up as annotations located in association with the media, along with the traditional VoiceToGoog central-data-structure that captures an accurate timestamp and Geotag of each speech utterance. The transcribed text is one piece of attached data. The other would be the attachment to a given task (which is also a first-class data-item with its own graphical representation and associated time/location data). And another would be attachments to these aforementioned "Document Gallery" objects provided by platform. By using a centralized and multifarious data-type, eased by the use of dynamic language JavaScript/QML, one thus can achieve arbitrary associations of these multifarious data-items that are the central data-type of VoiceToGoog.
It is a testament to the Harmattan/MeeGo platform that small amounts of application-level coding can create a big and useful feature, by leveraging QML qsparql capabilities of the Qt Framework and a well constructed QSPARQL query and the SLO Ontology for Locations. For example, the following shell command, issued via SSH, lists all the location-tagged photos and videos I've taken on the Nokia N950, which I'd like to be able to plot and voice-annotate on the VoiceToGoog map mashup:
~ $ tracker-sparql -q 'SELECT nie:url(?u) ?cty ?cry { \
?u slo:location \
[ slo:postalAddress \
[ nco:locality ?cty ; \
nco:country ?cry ] \
] . \
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Project Information
The project was created on Oct 26, 2011.
- License: GNU GPL v2
- 9 stars
- svn-based source control