
Flash/Actionscript 2.0 SWC for creating custom video interfaces

video.Maru is pre-compiled SWC written in Actionscript 2.0 / 3.0 that assists designers and developers in creating custom video interfaces. Visit the project homepage for tutorials, examples and documentation.


April 15th 2008: AS3 Alpha version (0.31). The "videoMaru.fla" file now works as a FLA component. Download and copy this file to the correct folder for your operating system:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS3\language\Configuration\Components
  • Macintosh: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS3/Configuration/Components

and restart Flash. Once Flash has restarted, open the components panel.

April 9th 2008: Alpha version (0.3) of AS3 version uploaded. Code feedback wanted. Supported controls in this release:

Buttons * playpause_btn * play_btn * pause_btn * stop_btn * soundoff_btn * soundon_btn * soundonoff_btn * fullscreen_btn

Sliders * volumeRange * volumeSlider * timeline * playhead * downloadProgress

To use any of these features in your video player, just make a movieClip and give it one of the above instance names.

Suggestions for MXP packaging tools are also very welcome. Send feedback to jenschr AT gmail.

Project Information

video.Maru actionscript swc component videointerface mxp