v8cgi is now known as http://code.google.com/p/teajs/'>TeaJS! Please see the http://code.google.com/p/teajs/wiki/Changelog'>proper version of this page.
Version 0.9.3 (8.6.2012)
- improved websocket support, wss support
- more robust socket, tls and websocket modules
- tls support for windows
- support for apache 2.4
- bugfixes
Version 0.9.2 (15.12.2011)
- refactored error handling
- tls module
- removed include() and libraryAutoload
- ubuntu packages at https://launchpad.net/~ondras/+archive/v8cgi
- stream interfaces for stdin/stdout/stderr
- numerous bugfixes
- websocket library
- numerous improvements in sockets module
Version 0.9.1 (26.9.2011)
- faster global object reusing
- refactored error handling
- thread safety
- better HTTP uploads in http.js and apache module
- performance fixes
- numerous bugfixes
Version 0.9.0 (9.12.2010)
- FreeBSD support
- binary/f used everywhere
- zlib module
- memcached module
- fibers module
- profiler module
- session is now not created automatically
- old module "util" is now "mail", "base64" and "hash"
- many DOM improvements
- stability fixes
Version 0.8.2 (23.5.2010)
- segfault fix in accept()
- incorrect SConstruct in source package
Version 0.8.1 (12.5.2010)
- http globals moved to js module
- native apache header support
- require-related fixes
- binary-f, old binary renamed to binary-b
- better entity handling in dom module
- removed config.httpHandler
- apache module builds on snow leopard
Version 0.8.0 (8.2.2010)
- new commonjs-compatible test/assert modules
- multi-mysql-queries
- Binary/B module
- GC support refactored
- support for hybrid modules
- all source files renamed
- easier building on mac
- several memory leaks fixed
- individual require for each module, require.main
- usleep
- v8cgi free variable
- HTTP basic auth
- new JS-DOM library (old DOM renamed to XDOM)
Version 0.7.5 (16.11.2009)
- MinGW used instead of MSVC
- Global variables cleared on each request with context reusing
- Modules/1.1 compatibility
- Main file executed as module
- Multiple search roots
- DOM and PgSQL compiles on windows
- Refactoring: CGI version has own class