
File Summary + Labels Uploaded Size
Unladen_Overview.png Unladen Swallow overview document Feb 22, 2010 68.7KB
Unladen_Swallow_PyCon_2010.pdf Unladen Swallow PyCon 2010 slides Feb 21, 2010 1.3MB
Unladen_Swallow_PyCon.pdf PyCon Argentina/Brazil 2009 slidedeck Sep 22, 2009 977.25KB
Ben Asher and Rotem.zip Source code to Ben Asher and Rotem 2009, "The effect of unrolling and inlining for Python bytecode optimizations" Jul 15, 2009 159.84KB
journal.pdf The Java Memory Model by Jeremy Manson, Bill Pugh, and Sarita Adve (hosted here because Jeremy's site is down)  Type-Docs Mar 27, 2009 454.67KB