
Tunerie is a Ruby on Rails web application that provides the ability to control SiliconDust HDHomeRun networked TV tuners with a web browser.

Tunerie is a Ruby on Rails web application that provides the ability to control SiliconDust HDHomeRun networked TV tuners with a web browser.

Once configured, you can use Tunerie to select channels on the device tuners and stream them to a listening client such as VLC to display the live high-definition TV programs from your cable or antenna feed.

From Tunerie

For more information, visit:


You need to have the following to run and access Tunerie:

  • Web browser
  • Ruby 1.8.7 or better
  • Rails 3.0.6 or better
  • SiliconDust HDHomeRun hardware
  • SiliconDust HDHomeRun software

There are several ways to get a Ruby on Rails environment to run Tunerie:

Make sure that you install the HDHomeRun software and make it accessible to Tunerie. On Windows, this means editing the PATH system variable to include the location of the hdhomerun_config.exe. On UNIX / BSD / Linux, this executable is usually installed at a location in the existing PATH.

Project Information

The project was created on May 26, 2011.

Rails HDHomeRun SiliconDust Ruby TV Tuner