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JavaScript Templates

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For web application developers, the '''JavaScript Templates''' engine from TrimPath is a lightweight APL / GPL open-source component that lets you have template-based programming (like PHP/ASP/JSP) while running in a web browser. * The '''JST''' engine is written entirely in standard JavaScript. * It supports a productive template markup syntax very much like FreeMarker, Velocity, Smarty. * JST is a readable alternative to manually coded massive String concatenations and major DOM/DHTML manipulations.

Build your own modern, brilliantly rich web applications (like GMail/OddPost/Bloglines) with JavaScript Templates.

More information: * '''10 Minute Introduction''' -- see below. * JST API * JST Markup Syntax * JST Standard Modifiers * JST Downloads * JST Community Wiki * JST Browser Compatibility * JST Online Demo

NEWS: * 2005/07/18 - New release - 1.0.38 * Fix to a IE macro bug and made error messages slightly better in IE. * 2005/05/28 - New release - 1.0.36 * B. Bittman (BrianBittman) found and solved a bug with the new eval block feature. * 2005/05/19 - New release - 1.0.34 * B. Bittman provided new cdata/eval/minify features and a loop indexVar_ct variable * An anonymous donor caught and provided the solution for an elseif bug. * 2005/05/11 - New release - 1.0.32. * Ross Shaull found and provided the solution for for/forelse looping over objects. So for/forelse now works on objects (hashes), not just arrays. * 2005/04/07 - New release - 1.0.30. * Igor Poteryaev found many issues with running IE 5.0.1/5.5, and kindly provided solutions, which were integrated into this release 1.0.30. * Also, 1.0.30 supports a new "cdata" markup syntax, which tells the JST engine to skip any processing for a section of text. See the JST Markup Syntax page for more info about '{cdata EOF} ... EOF' markup * 2005/03/25 - New release - 1.0.26. * Since 1.0.16, several bugs have been found and solved by Don Brown (of Apache Struts Flow) and BJessen. * Also, added a defined() function and optional ${% expr %} syntax. * 2005/03/01 - New release - 1.0.16, which has the Apache copyright boilerplate and a minor bug fix around OR expression parsing. * 2005/02/28 - Looks like this page has been del.icio.us'ed / popular'ed. Cool. Happy Templating, everyone! -- SteveYen

10 Minute Introduction To JST

First, in our HTML page, we load the TrimPath JST component into our web browser... <html> <head> <script language="javascript" src="trimpath/template.js"></script> ... </head> ... </html> Next, create some structured JavaScript data -- just some Objects and Arrays... <script language="javascript"> var data = { products : [ { name: "mac", desc: "computer",
price: 1000, quantity: 100, alert:null }, { name: "ipod", desc: "music player", price: 200, quantity: 200, alert:"on sale now!" }, { name: "cinema display", desc: "screen",
price: 800, quantity: 300, alert:"best deal!" } ], customer : { first: "John", last: "Public", level: "gold" } }; </script>
Next, here is a sample JST template that could 'render' that data. We've put our JST template into a hidden


in our HTML page... <textarea id="cart_jst" style="display:none;"> Hello ${customer.first} ${customer.last}.<br/> Your shopping cart has ${products.length} item(s): <table> <tr><td>Name</td><td>Description</td> <td>Price</td><td>Quantity & Alert</td></tr> {for p in products} <tr><td>${p.name|capitalize}</td><td>${p.desc}</td> <td>$${p.price}</td><td>${p.quantity} : ${p.alert|default:""|capitalize}</td> </tr> {forelse} <tr><td colspan="4">No products in your cart.</tr> {/for} </table> {if customer.level == "gold"} We love you! Please check out our Gold Customer specials! {else} Become a Gold Customer by buying more stuff here. {/if} </textarea> Here's some code that shows ways to do template processing with the API... ``` // The one line processing call... var result = TrimPath.processDOMTemplate("cart_jst", data); // Voila! That's it -- the result variable now holds // the output of our first rendered JST.

// Alternatively, you may also explicitly parse the template...
var myTemplateObj = TrimPath.parseDOMTemplate("cart_jst");

// Now, calls to myTemplateObj.process() won't have parsing costs...
var result  = myTemplateObj.process(data);
var result2 = myTemplateObj.process(differentData);

// Setting an innerHTML with the result is a common last step...
someOutputDiv.innerHTML = result;
// You might also do a document.write() or something similar...

And the value of the result variable would be... Hello John Public.
Your shopping cart has 3 item(s): NameDescription PriceQuantity & Alert MACcomputer $1000100 : IPODmusic player $200200 : ON SALE NOW! CINEMA DISPLAYscreen $800300 : BEST DEAL! We love you! Please check out our Gold Customer specials! ``` In addition to getting our templates from


elements that are part of our HTML page, we can also use templates from straight JavaScript Strings... ``` var myStr = "Hello ${customer.first} ${customer.last}, Welcome back!";

// Using the process() method is easy...
result = myStr.process(data);

// Or, why bother with the middle-man variable?
result = "Hello ${customer.first} ${customer.last}, Welcome back!".process(data);

// The result will be "Hello John Public, Welcome back!"
// which is the same as...
result = "Hello " + customer.first + " " + customer.last + ", Welcome back!";

// We can also do a one-time parse, to save parsing costs...
var myTemplateObj = TrimPath.parseTemplate(myStr);
var result  = myTemplateObj.process(data);
var result2 = myTemplateObj.process(differentData);

``` You probably want to see this in action, so take a look at the JST demo page.

Where Shall I Put My JavaScript Templates?

In the above introduction, we put our JST template into a hidden


in our HTML page. * Of course, you can have several


elements on a single HTML page, each holding a different JST template. * The general syntax is like:

<textarea id="my_template_jst" style="display:none;">

... template body ...


* Be careful about putting these JST 


's into a


, unless you want them posted or sent to a server during a submit button click. * Why


? * The


element has the nice property of not radically messing up the formatting of its innerHTML. * This stability of


's innerHTML is important because JST syntax allows you to place control flow tags (like if/elseif/for) in all sorts of odd places, such as even -inside- HTML tags. For example: * * Just as with many server-side template languages, the JST syntax is not true HTML/XHTML/XML. Hence, the beauty of using


elements to hold our JST templates. * A technical note about


: browsers will convert the contents of a


with any body characters of < and > to < and > * So, TrimPath.parseDOMTemplate() and TrimPath.processDOMTemplate() automatically reconvert back to < and > so that you have a nice usable JST template.

Alternatively, you might keep .jst files on your web server and load them into the browser using XMLHttpRequest or a hidden iframe.

Server-side JST Evaluation

We designed JST to run in a web browser AND also in any standalone JavaScript interpreter (such as Mozilla Rhino or Spider Monkey). The core JST engine is meant to have no critical DOM/DHTML/browser dependencies.

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