
A lightweight browser for dedicated use with Tor

Torora is a lightweight cross-platform browser for dedicated anonymous browsing with Tor® that runs on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. One day soon it will be available for Android.

  • As a dedicated Tor browser, Torora provides explicit state separation for the user. This means the user cannot fall into the trap of mixing anonymous and non-anonymous browsing with the same application.
  • Torora prevents the user from browsing until it has verified the presence of a working Tor® installation.
  • Torora attempts to disable/modify most browser behaviour that may allow the user to leak information to remote eavesdroppers.
  • Torora allows you to access websites with geographical restrictions by allowing you to choose the country you wish to 'be' from.

You can build the current version of Torora using the instructions here.

You only need Tor installed to use Torora, you don't need Privoxy or Polipo.

Torora's specification, roadmap and requirements documents are available here. You should also check out our open issues These documents, and the approach used by Torora in general, are guided by Mike Perry's work on the FireFox extension TorButton. We've also written up an extensive, and ever growing, document over at the WebKit wiki describing the kind of things Torora aims to protect you from. You should read it is an introduction to the benefits Torora currently provides and the attacks it, and other browsers, are still trying to catch up on.

Torora is in pretty good shape, even compared to Torbutton. But it still has a few things to sort out and the answer aren't always obvious. So please don't assume it can protect you from everything, yet.

This product is produced independently from the Tor® anonymity software and carries no guarantee from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else. Torora is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Tor® project.

Torora is a privacy-oriented fork of the Arora browser.

Here are some screenshots.

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v2
  • 10 stars
  • svn-based source control

Webkit Browser Qt Tor Privoxy Polipo Anonymity