My plugins for the amazing Quod Libet (http://code.google.com/p/quodlibet/) music player.
All moved to launchpad
http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~thisfred/+junk/scripts/view/head:/add_to_list.py http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~thisfred/+junk/scripts/view/head:/merge_groupings.py
Please download the individual plugins from here:
- autosearch.py
Very simple plugin, searches for the title of the current song in your library: Good for getting rid of duplicates, and finding possible covers.
- lastfmtagger.py
Useful only if you have a last.fm account and make use of tags there. This will synchronize last.fm tags both ways, saving them in a custom 'tag' id3 field in your local files. Since Quod Libet has a great id3 editing interface (Ex Falso, also usable as a stand alone application,) this makes adding and editing tags to songs, artists and albums on last.fm much easier.
- autoqueue.py
moved can now be found here:
My underlying reasons for developing these (aside from having fun hacking) are:
- I love tagging, and all the emerging properties it gives you for free. These are experiments in using freeform tags to structure, search and experience my music collection.
- The reason I can't bear to listen to radio is that the same songs seem to come by every hour. I like to be surprised, but I also like my listening experience to be somewhat cohesive, so I'm always looking for something in the space between predictable and random. I mostly don't think genres are enough for this.
Let me know if you have questions, or would like to help.
thisfred gmail com.
Project Information
- License: GNU GPL v2
- 3 stars
- svn-based source control