
Open-source BYOND chat program.

The Saloon


The Saloon is a free chat program created by Paul (Mikau) Brown with the BYOND engine. It was started as a replacement for a previously used piece of software designed with the software. While the software is still in early development, it is fully functional and is being updated daily.

Project Focus

The primary focus of the project is a simple, but feature enriched chat environment. However, the secondary focus is to give users hub for playing games as well. Originally focusing on casino based games, with the tracking of a worthless currency only useful in the program, as it would not be purchased or for sale, the plan was later extended into non-casino games.

Current Status

While the project is mostly worked on outside of SVN and google code, milestone versions are here for the general public to view, comment, and make suggestions on, and if desired they are added to the working copy of the code to assist in the project.

Project Information

byond chat