Sweet is a web application framework for building dynamic web content that runs on any Java servlet server. The framework is made with Scala, a more advance and easier to write programming language compared to Java. Since Sweet applications can run on a Java Virtual Machine, it can take advantage of all the Java libraries, servers, and large communities.
Our visions and goals for Sweet is SWEET itself:
- Simplicity - Sweet needs to keep complex things simple.
- Works - Sweet needs to be practical and functional.
- Efficient - Sweet needs to be efficient.
- Extensible - Sweet needs to be extensible by developers.
- Testable - Sweet needs to be testable.
See Documentation to jump-start your next adventure.
If you have questions, try send emails to owner: <Zemian Deng> saltnlight5 at gmail dot com.
Project Information
- License: Apache License 2.0
- 19 stars
- svn-based source control