This page covers the use of the @SessionField annotation
A Simple Session Scope Mechanism
Frequently, the conversation scope is overkill or not appropriate to the problem space, but you still want data persisted across multiple requests. Using the SessionAware interface or the ScopedModelDrivenInterceptor are the two "out-of-the-box" solutions for this in Struts2. The Conversation plugin offers a third alternative: the @SessionField annotation.
Use of this approach is a matter of taste: instead of XML configuration, boiler-plate code, and String constants (the session keys), a simple annotation is used to achieve the same end.
Compare the following:
SessionAware Approach
java: ``` public class ExampleAction extends ActionSupport implements SessionAware, ModelDriven {
public static final String EXAMPLE_MODEL_SESSION_KEY = "exampleModel";
private Map<String, Object> session;
public String firstAction() {
ExampleModel exampleModel = new ExampleModel();
return SUCCESS;
public String secondAction() {
ExampleModel exampleModel = this.getModel();
//do something with the data
return SUCCESS;
public void setSession(final Map<String, Object> session) {
this.session = session;
public ExampleModel getModel() {
return (ExampleModel) session.get(EXAMPLE_MODEL_SESSION_KEY);
protected void setModel(final ExampleModel exampleModel) {
session.put(EXAMPLE_MODEL_SESSION_KEY, exampleModel);
} ```
<!-- add to your interceptor stack -->
<interceptor-ref name="servletConfig" />
ScopedModelDriven Approach
java: ``` public class ExampleAction extends ActionSupport implements ScopedModelDriven {
public static final String EXAMPLE_MODEL_SESSION_KEY = "exampleModel";
private ExampleModel exampleModel;
public String firstAction() {
exampleModel = new ExampleModel();
return SUCCESS;
public String secondAction() {
//do something with the data
return SUCCESS;
public ExampleModel getModel() {
return exampleModel;
public void setModel(final ExampleModel exampleModel) {
this.exampleModel = exampleModel;
public String getScopeKey() {
public void setScopeKey(String scopeKey) {
//not likely useful
} ```
xml: ``` session exampleModel com.byars.struts2.ExampleModel
@SessionField Approach
the java: ``` public class ExampleAction extends ActionSupport implements ModelDriven {
@SessionField private ExampleModel exampleModel;
public String firstAction() {
exampleModel = new ExampleModel();
return SUCCESS;
public String secondAction() {
//do something with the data
return SUCCESS;
public ExampleModel getModel() {
return exampleModel;
} ```
the xml:
<!-- add to your interceptor stack -->
<interceptor-ref name="sessionField" />