| |
- velvet (velveth,velvetg should be in your PATH)
- R (with Sweave, usually included)
- R libraries (from R prompt type install.packages("ggplot2","proto","xtable"))
- pdflatex (usually part of TeTeX)
- Perl (with PerlIO::gzip)
- To generate alignments against a reference genome, use either
- BLAT (add to your PATH)
- BLAST (add to your PATH)
To Download:
- Get Subversion
svn checkout http://standardized-velvet-assembly-report.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ standardized-velvet-assembly-report-read-only
To Run:
- Edit permute.sh to your liking, paying particular attention to the kmer, cvCut, expCov, and other crucial flags like shortPaired
perl fastaAllSize mysequences.fa > mysequences.stat
./permute.sh mysequences (leave out the .fa)
If NOT using a reference genome skip this section
- If using Blat:
faToTwoBit myrefgenome.fa myrefgenome.2bit
gfServer start localhost 9999 myrefgenome.2bit
for f in out*dir; do if [ ! -e $f/contigsVsRef.psl ]; then echo $f; gfClient localhost 9999 ./ $f/contigs.fa $f/contigsVsRef.psl; fi; done
- If using BLAST:
formatdb -i myrefgenome -p F
for f in out*dir; do if [ ! -e $f/contigsVsRef.m8 ]; then echo $f; blastall -i $f/contigs.fa -p blastn -d myrefgenome -m 8 -o $f/contigsVsRef.m8; fi; done
- If using Blat:
for f in out*dir; do if [ ! -e $f/metadata.txt ]; then perl generateAssemblyStats.pl $f > $f/metadata.txt; fi; done
for f in out*dir; do echo "groupDir<-\"$f\";statFile<-\"mysequences\";statTab<-\"$f/stats.txt\";metaTab<-\"$f/metadata.txt\";source(\"calculateStats.R\")" | R --no-save --quiet; done
Choose one of three report formats
- If you wish to skip the individual contig length histograms (much quicker)
echo "assmName<-\"mysequences\";statFile<-\"mysequences\"; Sweave(\"shortReport.Rnw\",output=\"mysequences.tex\");" | R --no-save --quiet
- If using no reference genome:
echo "assmName<-\"mysequences\";statFile<-\"mysequences\"; Sweave(\"report.Rnw\",output=\"mysequences.tex\");" | R --no-save --quiet
- If using the reference genome alignments:
echo "refName<-\"My reference genome\";assmName<-\"mysequences\";statFile<-\"mysequences\"; Sweave(\"refReport.Rnw\",output=\"mysequences.tex\");" | R --no-save --quiet
- If you wish to skip the individual contig length histograms (much quicker)
pdflatex mysequences.tex
- View the pdf report mysequences.pdf
Project Information
- License: GNU GPL v3
- 11 stars
- svn-based source control