
SpotifyNowPlaying sends Growl notifications when the song changes in Spotify.' />

This project is in no way affiliated with Spotify.

SpotifyNowPlaying allows you to send notifications to Growl about song information from Spotify when the song changes.

Spotify Premium account is NOT needed for this application.
Most third party applications require a Spotify Premium Account.
Even projects like libspotify-sharp require a Premium account.

Premium User Features vrs Free User Features:
I understand the need to have Premium only features provided to Premium users. However I disagree with the decision by Spotify. Spotify Free accounts should also be allowed to use third party applications and addons. I understand that most of the revenue comes from their Premium users however Free users aren't entirely getting it for free. There are advertisements and if their finances are in dire need - they could always provide a short 30 second to 1 minute advertisement before every other song. This is how YouTube works.

Even though I personally don't own a Premium account I absolutely LOVE Spotify. It's extremely fast, lightweight, and uses some of the best Web technologies. It's simply the best music provider to date.

Please show your support for Spotify!

Project Information

The project was created on May 29, 2012.

spotify nowplaying growl