SPOR summary
I've wrote this piece of software to fill out a gap in another project that I was working on. It is a very simple tool that walk down recursively throughout a given directory storing metadata related to file/directory modes and ownership, for future retrievals.
Spor stores and retrieves its working information inside flat files.
How to contribute
Create a repository clone where you can make changes:
Go to http://code.google.com/p/spor/source/clones, and: 1. click 'Create a clone'; 1. Fill in name, summary, description, then click 'Create repository clone'; 1. Click on 'Administer', 'Source'. Enable 'Allow non-members to review code', click 'Save changes';
Make your changes:
Make your changes to the source code, then "hg commit", "hg push". This will make your change visible to everyone. Before your changes are merged into the default branch, I will review them making some comments or asking for modifications.
You are welcome to change and improve it!
Project Information
- License: GNU GPL v3
- 2 stars
- hg-based source control