You probably want SlideSpeech.com. This Google Code site is the home of the open source software project (called slidespeech) where the prototype for the SlideSpeech system was developed.
SlideSpeech has a Google+ community which includes a tutorial.
The best way to get acquainted with the SlideSpeech system is to see and hear it in action. There are two ways to go about this. One is to follow the links on the ExamplePresentations page, but you may find the slides do not refresh very quickly. This is because the system is still in a prototype stage on the web and the delivery of the slides has not been optimized. Another way is to watch some of the videos generated by the system.
Downloads available here include:
- Android player for scripts created with the SlideSpeech system.
- Mac player (SlideSpeech) and authoring tool (SlideSpeech from ODP)
- Windows player (SlideSpeech) and authoring tool (SlideSpeech from ODP)
26 June 2012: Vote for the SlideSpeech video in the Why Open Education Matters video competition
18 June 2012: SlideSpeech.com website goes live
15 June 2012: Launched SlideSpeech Android App
30 May 2012: Entered Why Open Education Matters video competition with this YouTube video
14 May 2012: Implemented e-mail based conversion of SlideSpeech presentations. Just send your presentation with speaker notes to convert@slidespeech.com
20 March 2012: Set up SlideSpeech Solar project for tailoring application to off-line, off-grid use
10 March 2012: Posted Letter to Python-List: A Plausible Promise of Abundant Educational Resources
Project Information
The project was created on Nov 26, 2011.
- License: MIT License
- 2 stars
- hg-based source control