
Android open source project: library, demos and applications.

Skylight1 is an open source Java mobile projects framework and collection of Android applications and demos. This group started in Feb 2009 as part of the NYCJava Java User Group with the revenue from the project's initial applications going to the NYPC Users Group, a 501c3 educational non-profit. Our first project, "Balance the Beer" had over 450K downloads.

This project is also affiliated with the NYC GDG (Google Developer Group) and the New York Android Developers Meetup [ (join those to get meeting notifications)

To join please come to a public meeting first (listed on NYC-GDG Meetup calendar) then request membership here:


We have several ongoing projects (including Android Wear and Google Glass) and are open to additional ideas/members. We meet weekly (except during holidays). Come prepared to code with laptop - all levels welcome but this is hands on. We now have github and a private g+ community group.

Usually this is not a lecture oriented group but on occasion we do have presentations. Starting in January, we will be working alongside a weekly free Android course sponsored by Google/Udacity/NYC-GDG. If interested fill in this form: (this is a %100 discount of the listed course:

One recent Glass project was created in support of and supported Android Wear as well. Another is a recent submission to NYCBigApps Challenge called,|WearAbouts

Older Android Projects:

NENY (New Eats New York) - launched at NYCBigApps 2013

Seven Wonders: updated for Google TV: SevenWonders and it also now works on Google Glass if you build it and install via adb (or you can download the apk here: )

If you are a user of one our applications on the Android Market please see the UserGuide for submitting bugs, feature requests and requesting help. If you're a developer see DeveloperGuide.

This open source project consists of the following sub-projects:

  • SkylightOpenGL - OpenGL wrapper DSL to the Java binding for OpenGL ES - JSR 239 for Android and Java ME
  • Skylight1 DI - a dependency injection framework.
  • Skylight1 Mocks - a set of mock objects for Android phones, including playback
  • Skylight1 Utils - utilities such as FPS counter, remote exception stack handling
  • Skylight1 UI - common custom UI classes, views and an upcoming view framework (in progress)
  • Skylight1 XML - XML parsing classes (in progress)
  • Skylight1 Server - corresponding server side projects and utils
  • MarketConsoleScraper - Android Market console scraper contributed by Worksmart Labs
  • Skylight1 Demos - api and sample demos including:
    • Tanked, a 2D OpenGL demo
    • Barnstormer, a 3D OpenGL demo
    • Flick Test, a flick example showing borders of adjacent views
    • Skylight1 Wallpaper, a live wallpaper example featuring selectable backgrounds and a fingerprint.

Previous Android applications also include (note some of this is dated back to Android 1.5):

  • Skylight1 TDC - a test data capture application for Android phones - available here for download
  • Skylight1 Game the initial app, a game for Android phones called "Balance the Beer" - available on the market.
  • NYC Events - an app that lists NYC Parks, Art and Music events. - available on the market
  • Toast - an app that helps you make a toast with your phone! - available on the market
  • Skylight1 Wallpaper demo (see above)
  • The official OHNY (Open House New York) Weekend Android Application - art work used by permission, copyright by
  • MarketApp - A stock market app and GAE server code, MarketAppWeb (ongoing project)
  • The Places and Events (P&E) Framework (ongoing project)
  • Seven Wonders (7W) (ongoing project)

The 'NYC Events' application was a NYC Big App Challenge entry in 2009, thanks to all who voted!

Previous News:

The official OHNY (Open House New York) Weekend Android Application is available on the market. note: art work used by permission, copyright by

Live wallpaper application "Fingerprint Live Wallpaper" avail under demos and Market (2.0+ only)

We developed and released (in 1 day, Dec 30-31, 2009) "Toast" as a result of not finding an equivalent of the "Clink-Clink" iPhone app on the Android Market - and just in time for New Years Eve.

We released 'NYC Events' on the Android Market in Dec 2009. This lists NYC Parks, Art and Music events based on data provided by We submitted to the challenge.

We launched our first app, a game based on the framework to the Android Market in late Sept 2009. It's called 'Balance the Beer' and currently is approaching 250K downloads and reaching #31 under casual games and featured briefly on the Google market website. Please give it a good rating on the market ;-)


Current ongoing large projects: the Places and Events (P&E) framework and Seven Wonders (7W), a 3D OpenGL game. To participate, stop by a NYC Java Meetup meeting or visit for more info.


NYC Events screen shots:

Balance the Beer screen shots:

Additional screen shots: Toast, Seven Wonders (7W) and OpenGL demos: Barnstormer and Tanked

Note: all non code (e.g. graphics, text, music is licensed as Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC (Attribution, NonCommercial) except where noted in accompanying project documentation files (e.g. readme text files) where permission is specifically granted by the original copyright holder just for use on this site. Please read accompanying readme file before using.

The license for all code available at this site is Apache License 2.0. You may use the code for commercial and non-commercial applications by crediting Skylight1, providing a link to this site and providing additional items as required by the license (please read the license).

Developers who want to learn how to use and contribute to Skylight1 or for Android tutorials please see the DeveloperGuide

Next Meeting: We meet every Thursdays at 6:00pm in NYC - if in the area feel free to stop by. This project is open to all of course - please join the corresponding google group listed here on the right. Meeting details at

Project Information

android game framework opensource DI multiplayer iphone mobile usergroup Java JME AppEngine Eclipse