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Browser support
In short, Sgvizler is supported by all modern browsers. Sgvizler uses the jQuery javascript library, so check out their browser compatibility, and of course the charts rendered using the Google Visualization API relies on it to work. Some of these charts require Flash, and SVG technology to work, see Google's [ introduction to Using Chart Tools].
In general JavaScript has to abide by the same origin policy, which means that making ajax calls to external sites (which Sgvizler does if it collects data from endpoints located at a different domain or port) simply won't work. However, newer browsers, in this case Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 3 and IE 8, support all or enough of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), which is a specification for such communication, to make Sgvizler work as expected.
A way to circumvent the the origin policy is to use JSONP. Data
retrieved as JSONP is returned as a function call on the data in JSON
format, thus exploiting that the HTML <script>
tag is not
required to respect the same origin policy. This, of course, requires
that the endpoint can return data in JSONP format, which many do.
If you find a browser which is supported by jQuery and Google
Visualization API, but where Sgvizler does not work, please let
Known problem browsers
- Android web browser, WebKit/533.1: The following charts does not work, but are displayed as a text string only: gPieChart, gBarChart, gAreaChart, gColumnChart, gLineChart, sScatterChart, gTreeMap. The following charts seems to work: gGeoMap, gMotionChart, gOrgChart, gTimeline, sMap, gTable, sList, sDefList, sText.
CORS support
Quoting ssokolow from, which is not inconsistent with what I've found:
- Anything based on Gecko 1.9.1 or newer should support CORS (Firefox 3.5+).
- Anything based on a modern WebKit should support CORS (Safari 4+, Chrome 5+, and Midori 0.2.7 tested OK).
- Internet Explorer 8 provides support via the XDomainRequest object but doesn't support credentialed requests.
- Opera 10.61 has no support for CORS. (Feature detection reports unsupported. The API isn't present.)
- Camino 2.0.5 (current) doesn't support CORS because it's based on Gecko 1.9.0 (Firefox 3.0's engine).
- Arora 0.10.2 (QtWebKit) should support CORS, but it's broken due to a bug. (The API is there, so feature detection reports "supported", but requests fail.)
| Browser | SOS | CORS | JSONP | Tested | |:------------|:--------|:---------|:----------|:-----------| | Firefox 3.6 | Yes | Yes | Yes | 3.6.22 | | Chrome 12 | Yes | Yes | Yes |Chromium 12.0.742.112 (90304) Ubuntu 10.04 | | Opera 11.51 | Yes | No | Yes |Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux i686; U; en-GB) Presto/2.9.168 Version/11.51 | | Internet Explorer 8 | Yes | Yes | Yes |8.0.7600.16385 | | Safari 5.1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | 5.1 (6534.50) |
(Legend: "SOS" = "Sgvizler same origin support", "CORS" = "Sgvizler CORS support".)
Server support
In order to CORS to work, in addition to browser support, the endpoint
server needs to be CORS enabled. This means that it must include a
parameter Access-Control-Allow-Origin
in the response header
with a value matching the address from which the request was sent---or
a wildcard *
, see
e.g. You
can use e.g. Firebug to inspect the response
header to see if the server you are using is enabled.
If you administer an endpoint server, you should consider enabling it for CORS. This link also contains a list over resources which have CORS enabled.