
oSCJ - open Safety Critical Java implementation @ Purdue


Open Safety Critical Java (oSCJ) project implements a restricted subset of SCJ (JSR-302). The project is developed at S3 group at Purdue University.

For more information, see the oSCJ webpage:

Check-out oSCJ

You can check-out oSCJ from our Mercurial repository: hg clone scj

Check-out oSCJ's VM

oSCJ library can be executed on top of two different Virtual Machines : FijiVM and Ovm.

  • FijiVM - FijiVM is available under academic license, feel free to directly contact us to obtain its distribution. FijiVM' usage is surprisingly simple and while delivering astonishing performance! (See FijiVM Installation instructions: ``` To install FijiVM+oSCJ:
    1. untar fivm.tar.gz
    2. cd fivm
    3. $ hg clone scj
    4. execute: $ autoreconf -i $ ./configure $ make

To update oSCJ: cd fivm/scj $ hg pull $ hg update

Now, all you need is located in fivm/scj/oSCJ. - there is examples/ dir with all the example applications and also "scj/" dir that contains oSCJ L0 implementation. Just enter e.g. fivm/scj/oSCJ/examples/helloworld and type ./ - you can also observe all the building parameters (really easy!). - for a more complicated case study and build parameters, see fivm/scj/oSCJ/examples/minicdx ```

  • Ovm - You can check-out our Ovm distribution from : hg clone ovm

    See our readme file for more details about installing and running oSCJ with Ovm.

Project Information

Java safety-critical real-time SCJ TCK benchmark RTSJ VirtualMachineDesign