NOTE: The source for this project is now onhttp://github.com/ripienaar/ruby-nagios'>github.
Have you ever had to disable alerts, retry a check or acknowledge outages on a large amount of services with Nagios and hated the web UI for it?
This is a CLI tool and Ruby library that parses your status log file and let you query it for information or create external commands to be piped into the nagios command file.
Using the CLI
Find out what services match a regular expression:
nagsrv.rb --list-services --with-service /puppet/
Find hosts with the service /puppet/:
nagsrv.rb --list-hosts --with-service /puppet/
Disable notifications for them all on all hosts:
nagsrv.rb --disable-notify --with-service /puppet/
[1263129006] DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;dev1.your.net;puppet-freshness
[1263129006] DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;dev1.your.net;puppetd
[1263129006] DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;dev1.your.net;puppet-freshness
Only do it for hosts matching /dev2/:
nagsrv.rb --disable-notify --with-service /puppet/ --for-host /dev2/
[1263129038] DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;dev2.your.net;puppet-freshness
[1263129038] DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;dev2.your.net;puppetd
You can do ack's, force checks etc, see the help or comments in the nagsrv.rb script. To actually get nagios to do these actions just redirect the output from these commands to the Nagios CMD file. On my machine that is /var/log/nagios/rw/nagios.cmd.
Using the Ruby Library
You can also do the same from within Ruby easily, the library lets you search host by any property on a service, here we'll find all hosts with service /puppet/ on host /dev2/:
``` require 'nagios/status.rb' nagios = Nagios::Status.new nagios.parsestatus("status.log")
options = {:forhost => "/dev2/", :action => "${host}", :withservice => "/puppet/"} services = nagios.find_services(options)
puts services.join("\n") ```
This will in this case just print:
If you didn't specify the :action string it would just return an array of services found. The :action string is a template that lets you return the matches in any format you like, here's a template to Acknowledge services:
"[${tstamp}] ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM;;${host};${service};1;0;1;#{ENV['USER']};Acknowledged from CLI"
The only variables it supports now is ${host}, ${service} and ${tstamp} we can easily add more if needed.
Project Information
- License: Apache License 2.0
- 6 stars
- svn-based source control