laterr - http://twitter.com/laterr is a bot on Twitter that allows you to set reminders by sending
out a direct message to it in human readable language. Please leave your feedbacks here.
That means you can set Reminder Messages in human readable language like:
Wow, cool. Where do I start?
- First, you would need a Twitter account.
- After that follow http://twitter.com/laterr bot on twitter.
- Last, but very important, please set you timezone correctly in Twitter: settings to receive timely reminders.
laterr will follow you back in a minute or two and that's it.
You are all ready to set your reminders by sending a direct message to laterr on twitter
To send a direct message to laterr use the following format
http://i497.photobucket.com/albums/rr333/shashikants/d_msg.gif' />
You will recieve the reminder back as a direct message and/or email, SMS. etc (depending on you twitter settings for direct messages)
Why direct messages ?
We want to ensure your privacy and that no one, including your friends, should be able to see any of your reminders.
Imagine your girlfriend knows beforehand that you are going to give her flowers this friday - FAIL :)
Gothca. Is there any kind of restriction on reminders?
Everybody is entitled to free speech. So you can set any kind of reminders you want. If laterr doesn't understand your reminder, it will humbly tell you the same.
But laterr also needs some time to rest and sort out all your reminders, so kindly refrain from setting reminders that has a time
difference of 5 minutes or lesslike: "Remind me in 5 minutes to go to bed". I am guessing you won't need reminders for such short durations :)
What's keeping us busy ?
Yes, we know this ain't perfect . But we are surely trying to get close. We are working on understanding more human friendly language.
Some of the features we will be supporting in future releases:
1) Remind me to pay bill in 10 days
result: "Hey, time to pay bill"
2) Remind me to check my secondary mail every 2 days
result: "Check your secondary mail." - (Recurring reminder every 2 days.)
3) Pay phone bill on 2nd of every month
result: "Pay phone bill." - (This message is revieved on 2nd of every month.)
... and a lot more.
But that's still to come. For now, bear with the service's inablity to understand all of your messages.
Keep using the service.That will keep us going. And there is more NLP to come.
Project Information
- License: Apache License 2.0
- 10 stars
- svn-based source control