
The Framework for Integrated Test Reloaded

What is reFit?

reFit is an enhanced version of the Framework for Integrated Test (Fit) created by Ward Cunningham.

Fit in a Nutshell gives you an idea of what Fit is all about.


The aim of reFit is to enhance Fit with Dependency Injection for Java EE 6, Spring and OSGi, JUnit adapters, Maven integration, Logging, Javadoc and other things to increase the usability of this framework both for developers and end users.

reFit is based on the latest (unreleased) snapshot of Fit from SourceForge from 2008.


reFit does not include any of the Fit extensions from Fitnesse. In particular, reFit focuses on Java for fixture implementations and HTML for test cases.

Project Information

Fit Testing