We've moved to GitHub!
Unfortunately, access to GitHub is blocked by some firms, so we are keeping this location for the time being.
However, the latest source code will only be available on GitHub.
QuickFIX Messenger
QuickFIX Messenger is a front-end messaging application built on-top of the QuickFIX/J engine.
It is a tool designed for technical individuals working on the Financial Information eXchange ("FIX") Protocol. The FIX Protocol is an industry-driven messaging standard for the electronic communication of trade-related messages.
QuickFIX Messenger is ideal for testing different messages and scenarios on FIX infrastructures. It provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for constructing and sending FIX messages across a given FIX session.
Visit our User's Guide for more information.
If you'd like to report a bug or request for a new feature, please log a ticket on our tracker.
For support, questions, or general discussions, kindly visit our forum.
Because of new features added to version 2.0, Java 7 (JRE 1.7) or later is required to run QuickFIX Messenger.
QuickFIX Messenger is fully open source and supports the following features:
* FIX versions 4.0 to 5.0 (including FIXT 1.1)
* Add messages to a project (new)
* Export/import messages as XML (new)
* Repeating Groups (improved)
* Components
* Filters required & optional fields
* Modify Header & Trailer
* Send messages from text (i.e. log files)
* Act as session initiator or acceptor
* Verify data format (new)
* Custom Logon(A)
message (new)
* Session management
* Message logging
* Quick links to FIXwiki (i.e. messages, fields, components)
The stand-alone application
The application in "Project" mode
QuickFIX Messenger is written in Java/Swing and would run on most platforms.
- Logo derived from artwork by Mateusz Dembek
- Buttons from Mateusz Dembek
- Icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane