FirePython on Pyxer
If you don't know that great tool hurry up and have a look ;)
First install FirePython for your project:
$ pyxer install firepython
$ pyxer install jsonpickle
Then add the middleware. To do this create modify to look like this:
-- coding: UTF-8 --
""" Pyxer on Google App Engine """
import os, sys
Cleanup the Python path (mainly to circumvent the systems SetupTools)
sys.path = [path for path in sys.path if ("site-packages" not in path) and ('pyxer' not in path)]
Add our local packages folder to the path
import site here = os.path.dirname(file) site_lib = os.path.join(here, 'site-packages') site.addsitedir(site_lib)
Import the stuff we need to begin serving
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app from import make_app
FirePython imports
import firepython.middleware import logging
The main function is important for GAE to know if the process can be kept
def main(): conf = dict(file=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(file, os.pardir, 'pyxer.ini'))) app = make_app(conf)
# FirePython Middleware
app = firepython.middleware.FirePythonWSGI(app)
# Also show logging at DEBUG level
Initialize on first start
if name == "main": main() ```
That's it. Happy coding.