The 50+ demo applications of the turtle module of Python are intended as examples for using Python and turtlegraphics in an educational setting.
Since the turtle module offers a lot of features that go far beyond of what is known as classical turtle graphics, the examples comprise a wide range of scripts from elementary to rather sophisticated, from drawing graphical patterns to simulation of planetary systems or interacive games like spaceship or tangram.
A demoViewer is included that lets you view the source code and execute the demo scripts in parallel.
The turtle demo suite for Python 2.5/2.6 contains a backport of version 1.1 of the turtle module, which ships with python 3.1 to python 2.5 and python 2.6. If you use one of these versions, I recommend to replace the turtle module present in your version by the one delivered with this bundle. (Please note the README file)
If you like to provide new examples or amend existing ones, please ask me for including you as a commiter of the project.
Feedback is very much appreciated: gregor.lingl@gmail.com
Gregor Lingl
Project Information
- License: GNU GPL v3
- 13 stars
- hg-based source control