
lightweight high-level message passing library supporting actor based concurrency


In pysage 1.6.0, ActorManager.listen(...) and ActorManager.connect(...) only accepts keyword arguments:

``` ActorManager.get_singleton().listen(host='localhost', port='8888')


ActorManager.get_singleton().connect(host='localhost', port='8888') ```


pysage is a lightweight high-level message passing library supporting actor based concurrency.

It also extends the "actor model" to support actor partitioning/grouping to further scalability. pysage has a simple high-level interface. Messages are serialized and sent lightweight using pipes or domain sockets across local "groups". In the case of network messages, UDP is used. * simple pythonic API * efficient message propagation within group, across group, across network * network messages can optionally be configured to be reliable and/or ordered using UDP * grouping - actors can be partitioned into groups that are run in separate os processes * process-local singleton manager - actor registration, discovery, message propagation * publisher/subscriber pattern built-in * message handlers can be a coroutine / generator * optionally use mongodb as the message transport / queue

pysage strives to stay thin and lightweight.

Web site:

``` import time from pysage import Actor, ActorManager, Message

mgr = ActorManager.get_singleton()

class BombMessage(Message): properties = ['damage']

class Player(Actor): subscriptions = ['BombMessage'] def handle_BombMessage(self, msg): print 'I took %s damage from the bomb' % msg.get_property('damage')

mgr.register_actor(Player(), 'player1') mgr.queue_message(BombMessage(damage=10))

while True: processed = mgr.tick() time.sleep(.03) ```


Here's a slightly more involved version incorporating async message handing. Coroutines are cool!


import time from pysage import Actor, ActorManager, Message

mgr = ActorManager.get_singleton()

class TimeBombMessage(Message): properties = ['damage']

class Player(Actor): subscriptions = ['TimeBombMessage'] def handle_TimeBombMessage(self, msg): print 'thinking' # waits until the next "tick" yield print 'thinking' # waits until the next "tick" yield print 'I took %s damage from the bomb' % msg.get_property('damage')

mgr.register_actor(Player(), 'player1') mgr.queue_message(TimeBombMessage(damage=10))

while True: processed = mgr.tick() # uncomment below to see the timing of coroutines # print 'ticked' time.sleep(.03) ```


Project Information

python messagepassing messaging networking concurrency multiprocessing actormodel