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Mox is a mock object framework for Python.

Mox is based on EasyMock, a Java mock object framework.

Mox will make mock objects for you, so you don't have to create your own! It mocks the public/protected interfaces of Python objects. You set up your mock object's expected behavior using a domain-specific language (DSL), which makes your tests easy to understand and refactor!

Installing Mox

Download the latest version of Mox. Expand the tarball, and run:

$ python setup.py install

To run Mox's own tests, run:

$ python mox_test.py

Core concepts

When you create a mock object, it is in record mode. You record the behavior you expect by calling the expected methods on the mock object. Once you have recorded the expected behavior, you switch the mock into replay mode. Then you start your actual test code. After your testing is done (usually along with other assertions) you verify that all recorded (expected) interactions occurred.

Mox is strict. That means that it expects the methods to be called in the order they are recorded, on a per-mock level. This is helpful to ensure that a database connection is not closed before it is used, etc.

Workflow overview

  • Create mock (in record mode)
  • Set up expectations
  • Put mock into replay mode
  • Run test
  • Verify expected interactions with the mock occurred

Basic Usage

General Usage Example

``` import unittest import mox

class DaoUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):

def setUp(self): # Create an instance of Mox self.person_mocker = mox.Mox()

def testUsingMox(self): # Create a mock PersonDao dao = self.person_mocker.CreateMock(PersonDao)

# Return a value when this method is called

# Void method

# Raise an exception when this is called
dao.DeletePerson(unknown_person).AndRaise(UnknownPersonError('id not found'))

# Put all mocks created by mox into replay mode

# Run the test
ret_pk = dao.InsertPerson(test_person)
self.assertRaises(UnknownPersonError, dao, unknown_person)

# Verify all mocks were used as expected, and tests ran properly
self.assertEquals(test_primary_key, ret_pk)


Or to create a single mock object directly without the Mox() factory:

dao = mox.MockObject(PersonDao) dao.InsertPerson(test_person).AndReturn(test_primary_key) dao.UpdatePerson(test_person) dao.DeletePerson(unknown_person).AndRaise(UnknownPersonError('id not found')) mox.Replay(dao) ... mox.Verify(dao)

Optionally, you can make your test case be a subclass of mox.MoxTestBase; this will automatically create a mock object factory in self.mox, and will automatically verify all mock objects and unset stubs at the end of each test.

Unexpected Behavior

Occasionally, snakes on a plane happen: some code uses your mock object in a way you weren't expecting it to. Fortunately for everyone involved, Mox will let you know exactly what unexpected event happened.

Unexpected method call

dao = self.person_mocker.CreateMock(PersonDao) dao.InsertPerson(test_person).AndReturn(test_primary_key) self.person_mocker.ReplayAll() ret_pk = dao.InsertPerson(other_person) self.person_mocker.VerifyAll() raises Unexpected method call: InsertPerson(other_person) -> None. Expecting: InsertPerson(test_person) -> test_primary_key

Unknown method call

dao = self.person_mocker.CreateMock(PersonDao) dao.InsertPersonZ(test_person).AndReturn(test_primary_key) self.person_mocker.ReplayAll() raises Method called is not a member of the object: dao.InsertPersonZ(test_person)

Expected method call (but it didn't happen)

dao = self.person_mocker.CreateMock(PersonDao) dao.InsertPerson(test_person).AndReturn(test_primary_key) self.person_mocker.ReplayAll() self.person_mocker.VerifyAll() raises Verify: Expected methods never called: 0. InsertPerson(test_person) -> test_primary_key

Threading issues

Mock objects created by Mox are not thread-safe. If you are replaying mocks in a multi-threaded environment, please guard the mocks via mutex.

Specifically, the code to validate that the current call matches the recorded call can result in a race condition.

Hopefully soon there will be an option to make the mocks thread safe!

Advanced Usage

Believe it or not, there are other features as well!

In Any Order

Unfortunately, there are some things that are non-deterministic, such as iterating over the keys of a dictionary. For these cases, you'll want to group your un-ordered method calls together. This creates a group of method calls that are unordered with respect to each other, but ordered with respect to other expectations. For example:

dao.OpenConnection() dao.Call(1).InAnyOrder().AndReturn('one') dao.Call(2).InAnyOrder().AndReturn('two') dao.Call(3).InAnyOrder().AndReturn('three') dao.CloseConnection() mox.Replay(mock)

The Call methods can occur in any order, but they must all occur after OpenConnection and before CloseConnection.

It is also possible to have two consecutive groups of InAnyOrder. In order to differentiate between the two groups, you would give names to one or both of the groups.

dao.OpenConnection() dao.Foo(1).InAnyOrder('foo').AndReturn('one') dao.Foo(2).InAnyOrder('foo').AndReturn('two') dao.Foo(3).InAnyOrder('foo').AndReturn('three') dao.Bar('one').InAnyOrder('foo').AndReturn(1) dao.Bar('two').InAnyOrder('bar').AndReturn(2) dao.Bar('three').InAnyOrder('baz').AndReturn(3) dao.CloseConnection() mox.Replay(mock)

The Foo calls can still occur in any order, but they must all occur before the unordered Bar calls occur.

Stub Out

Often, the class you're testing has one method that delegates to a lot of other complex methods. The delegation logic can be complicated, so you only want to test that, without having to record expectations for all of the work done by the submethods. For example:

class MyRequestHandler(object): def HandleRequest(self, request): if request.IsExternal(): self.Authenticate(request) self.Authorize(request) self.Process(request) else: self.ProcessInternal(request)

Here, Authenticate, Authorize and Process are all expensive, and have tons of logic in them. You don't really want or need to test what they do; you just need to test that they're called. But the MyRequestHandler isn't a mock object here: it's the actual object you're testing. So what do you do...?! Use StubOutWithMock!

``` handler = MyRequestHandler() m = mox.Mox() m.StubOutWithMock(handler, "Authenticate") m.StubOutWithMock(handler, "Authorize") m.StubOutWithMock(handler, "Process") handler.Authenticate(IsA(Request)) handler.Authorize(IsA(Request)) handler.Process(IsA(Request)) m.ReplayAll()


m.UnsetStubs() m.VerifyAll() ```

Note: If UnsetStubs() was called after Verify() and Verify() raises an exception because it fails then the rest of your tests may end up in a strange state. You should either call it before Verify() or -- even better -- call it in tearDown() which gets executed regardless of whether Verify() fails or succeeds. (If you use mox.MoxTestBase, this is taken care of for you.)


If you aren't able to pass a argument which is equal (according to __eq__) to the expected argument when you're recording mock behavior, you probably want to use a Comparator.

  • IsA(class) -- Check if the parameter is an instance of the given class dao.InsertUser(IsA(Person))
  • StrContains(string) - Check if the parameter contains the given

    substring dao.RunSql(StrContains('WHERE id=%d' % expected_id))

  • Regex(pattern [, flags]) - Check if the parameter matches the

    given regular expression dao.RunSql(Regex(r'WHERE.*\s+id=%d' % expected_id, flags=re.IGNORECASE))

  • In(value) - Check if the parameter (list, tuple, or dict) contains the given value dao.BulkInsert(In(test_person))

  • ContainsKeyValue(key, value) - Check if the parameter contains the given key/value pair dao.BulkInsert(ContainsKeyValue(test_id, test_person))

  • Func(callable) - Validate the parameter with the given callable. This can be used for more complex checking. The callable must take 1 argument and return a bool. dao.InsertAuditRecord(Func(IsValidAudit))

  • IsAlmost(value [, places]) - Check if the parameter is equal to a given value up to a certain number of decimal places. Useful for floating point numbers. dao.AddInterestToAccount(IsAlmost(0.05))

  • SameElementsAs(sequence) - Check if the sequence returned has the same elements as the given sequence. Useful for lists that may be generated with non-deterministic order. dao.ProcessUsers(SameElementsAs([person1, person2]))

  • IgnoreArg() - Ignore an argument. ```

    Check first and third arguments; but ignore 2nd argument.

    dao.UpdateUser(3, IgnoreArg(), 'admin') ```

  • And() and Or(): combine comparators. These both take a variable number of comparators. dao.BulkInsert(And(In(test_person), IsA(list)))

You can write your own comparators. It's easy!


Some classes do not provide public interfaces; for example, they might use __getattribute__ to dynamically create their interface. For these classes, you can use a MockAnything. It does not enforce any interface, so any call your heart desires is valid. It works in the same record-replay-verify paradigm. Don't use this unless you absolutely have to! You can create a MockAnything with the CreateMockAnything method of your Mox instance like so: m = mox.Mox() mock = m.CreateMockAnything() mock.AnyMethod()

You may also create a MockAnything instance directly, but then you must call mox.Replay() and mox.Verify() on it, instead of using the Mox factory methods. ``` mock = mox.MockAnything() mock.AnyMethod() mox.Replay(mock)


mox.Verify(mock) ```


Some classes automatically create attributes on creation. If you stub out a class, then these attributes will not be created. You have to define these attributes in your MockObject on your mock setup.

``` m = mox.Mox()

fake_axis = m.CreateMock(MyAxis)

fake_chart = m.CreateMock(MyChart) fake_chart.axis = fake_axis ```

Mock a class

You may have code that doesn't use dependency injection, and just creates objects directly. You may also want to mock those objects. Thankfully this is possible with Mox.

For example, to stub out the foo.bar module which contains the Baz class that your code creates directly:

# Mock out the class using Mox. self.mox.StubOutClassWithMocks(foo.bar.Baz) # Record that the creation of Baz should return a mock baz. mock_baz = foo.bar.Baz()

Side Effects

Sometimes the behavior of the code you are testing is dependent on some side effect of the object you are mocking. Some examples of when this is the case are when real object might treat some object as an "out" or "in/out" parameter or the real object is meant to change some shared resource that modifies the behavior of your testing unit. It is possible to simulate these side effects by using WithSideEffects.

``` # This function will be passed to WithSideEffects; when # GetWaitingMessages is called on the mock, this function will be # called with the same arguments as GetWaitingMessages. def add_messages(message_list): message_list += ['message 1', 'message 2']

message_appender = mox.MockObject(PendingMessages) message_appender.GetWaitingMessages(['message 0']).WithSideEffects(add_messages).AndReturn(2) mox.Replay(message_appender)

messages = ['message 0'] new_messages = message_appender.GetWaitingMessages(messages) mox.Verify(message_appender) assertEquals(['message 0', 'message 1', 'message 2'], messages) ```


Mocking a callback should be pretty straight forward. ``` m = mox.Mox() mock_callback = m.CreateMockAnything() # MockAnything is callable test_object.SetCallback(mock_callback) mock_callback(42) # Expect this to be called.

m.ReplayAll() test_object.DoStuff() # Which in turn calls mock_callback... m.VerifyAll() ```


I've seen code that likes to access class variables through instances, so I've added support for this.

print 'this is silly, but it happens:', mock_obj.MY_CLASS_VARIABLE

There is support for comparing mock objects. This could be helpful for testing that your mock got injected into the proper places:

dao.set_db(mock_db) self.assertEquals(mock_db, dao._MyDAO__db)

I've also seen code that likes to verify if an object is false, for example:

def myMethod(self, foo, bar=None): if not bar: # use internal default

To deal with this, you can make your mock expect __nonzero__, so you can safely inject your mock into this object. Hurray!


Basic Example

Let's say you have this class, and you'd like to test it:

``` class PersonManager(object):

def init(self, person_dao): self._dao = person_dao

def CreatePerson(self, person, user): """Create a Person"""

if user != 'stevepm':
  raise Exception('no way, jose')

except PersistenceException, e:
  raise BusinessException('error talking to db', e)


And you have the class PersonManager depends on:

``` class PersonDao(object):

def init(self, db): self._db = db

def InsertPerson(self, person): self._db.Execute('INSERT INTO Person(name) VALUES ("%s")' % person) ```

So now you can write the test:

``` class PersonManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):

def setUp(self): self.mox = mox.Mox() self.dao = self.mox.CreateMock(PersonDao) self.manager = PersonManager(self.dao)

def testCreatePersonWithAccess(self): self.dao.InsertPerson(test_person) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.manager.CreatePerson(test_person, 'stevepm') self.mox.VerifyAll()

def testCreatePersonWithDbException(self): self.dao.InsertPerson(test_person).AndRaise(PersistenceException('Snakes!')) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.assertRaises(BusinessException, self.manager.CreatePerson, test_person, 'stevepm') self.mox.VerifyAll() ```

Pretty cool, huh?

Extending The Basic Example

Now let's say you want to have your DAO return the new primary key for the person, and your manager class would like to verify that the primary key is greater than some number. Who knows, it's a toy example! :) You would change your code as follows:

``` def CreatePerson(self, person, user): """Creates a Person."""

if user != 'stevepm':
  raise Exception('no way, jose')

  primary_key = self._dao.InsertPerson(person)
except PersistenceException e:
  raise BusinessException('error talking to db', e)

if primary_key < MIN_PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE:
  raise BusinessException('primary key too small')


``` def InsertPerson(self, person): return db.Execute('INSERT INTO Person(name) VALUES ("%s")' % person)

def DeletePerson(self, person_id): db.Execute('DELETE FROM Person WHERE ...' % person_id) ```

Now you can modify your test: def testCreatePersonWithAccess(self): self.dao.InsertPerson(test_person).AndReturn(HUGE_PRIMARY_KEY) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.manager.CreatePerson(test_person, 'stevepm') self.mox.VerifyAll()

And add the new test: def testCreatePersonWithSmallPrimaryKey(self): self.dao.InsertPerson(test_person).AndReturn(TINY_PRIMARY_KEY) self.dao.DeletePerson(TINY_PRIMARY_KEY) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.assertRaises(BuisnessException, self.manager.CreatePerson, test_person, 'stevepm') self.mox.VerifyAll()

Complicating Things Even More...

Ugh, now let's say it is up to your manager to pass some audit trail object to the DAO, which the DAO handles appropriately. Let's not worry about the impl, since we're really just dealing with public interfaces. The new DAO interface is:

def InsertPerson(self, person, audit_trail_obj):

And the manager now looks like this:

``` def CreatePerson(self, person, user): """Create a Person"""

if user != 'stevepm':
  raise Exception('no way, jose')

audit_record = AuditRecord(user)

  primary_key = self._dao.InsertPerson(person, audit_record)
except PersistenceException e:
  raise BusinessException('error talking to db', e)

if primary_key < MIN_PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE:
  raise BusinessException('primary key too small')


Oh now, how do we setup our expected call to dao.InsertPerson now that a parameter is out of our control?! Have no fear, Mox is here! There are Comparators that can be used to check the equivalency of method parameters. You can even mix and match then with real parameters, as you'll see below.

def testCreatePersonWithAccess(self): self.dao.InsertPerson(test_person, IsA(AuditRecord)).AndReturn(HUGE_PRIMARY_KEY) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.manager.CreatePerson(test_person, 'stevepm') self.mox.VerifyAll()

There are all kinds of other comparators for simple parameter checking. If you have complex logic to check the value, you can even use a callable to verify it.

``` def testCreatePersonWithAccess(self): self.dao.InsertPerson(test_person, Func(ValidAuditRecord)).AndReturn(HUGE_PRIMARY_KEY) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.manager.CreatePerson(test_person, 'stevepm') self.mox.VerifyAll()

def ValidAuditRecord(audit_record): return (audit_record.user() == 'stevepm' and audit_record.type() == 'insert') ```