
A Python based downloader for the Amazon mp3 store.

Notice: A new release is available (0.9.1) which addresses a recent change to the format of Amazon .amz files. Older versions of Pymazon will no longer work with new Amazon purchases. Please update to this new version.

If you are feeling generous, you could help support my ~~beer fund~~ work on Pymazon by donating a couple bucks:

If you maintain a distro package of Pymazon, or you are using a distro packaged version of Pymazon, please let me know ( so I can keep a list of where it is being used, and keep the maintainers informed of new releases. Thanks!


Pymazon runs on PyQt4!

Pymazon runs on PyGtk!

Pymazon runs on the command line!

That's three times as many options as the official Amazon downloader!


Current Version = 0.9.1

This project is a python implemented downloader for the amazon mp3 store.

The propietary Amazon downloader for Linux just, well, it's not good. Seriously guys, C++ and boost for a downloader!??! Not to mention there are no 64-bit Linux builds and they are like 2 release behind for Ubuntu. Ugh.

Pymazon DOES NOT depend on Clamz! There are a few wiki's and smaller distros packaging Pymazon with a Clamz dependency. This is unnecessary. However giving credit where it is due, Clamz cracked the Amazon encryption, so without that project Pymazon probably wouldn't exist.

The only dependency outside of the Python standard library is PyCrypto (and PyQt4 >= 4.5 or PyGtk if you want to use the GUI).

Though it was made to solve an issue for Linux users, Pymazon runs just fine on Windows.


Pymazon was made to provide an alternative to the Linux version of the Amazon dowloader (and hopefully avoid most the issues that plague it). That said, it should still run just fine under Windows.

First, make sure you have PyCrypto installed. On Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install python-crypto


$ pip install pycrypto

If you don't have pip installed, you can get it from the cheeseshop. I recommend pip over setuptools.

$ easy_install pip

If you want to use the GUI, you will need to have PyQt4 or PyGtk installed. On Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install python-qt4 or $ sudo apt-get install python-gtk2

Once you have PyCrypto (and optionally PyQt4 of PyGtk) installed, you can install Pymazon.

To get Pymazon from the cheeseshop:

$ pip install pymazon or $ easy_install pymazon

If you're not using virtualenv, you may need to sudo.

Or, to build/install Pymazon yourself (there's really nothing to build):

$ wget $ tar -xzf Pymazon-0.9.1.tar.gz $ cd Pymazon-0.9.1 $ sudo python install

or, if you want to install locally

$ python install --user

If you install locally, you may need to symlink ~/.local/bin/pymazon to a folder on your PATH

You can also download the bleeding-edge source with Mercurial:

$ hg clone pymazon

Then just build/install it via:

$ python install


First, read HowToAmzDownload.

Currently, pymazon can be used from the command line or the GUI (which requires PyQt4 >= 4.5 or PyGtk).

GUI Interface

To Launch Pymazon in GUI mode: $ pymazon The GUI is pretty self explanatory.

Command Line Interface

To download to current directory: $ pymazon -c /path/to/amz/file/foo.amz To download to alternate directory: $ pymazon -c -d /path/to/save/dir/ /path/to/amz/file/foo.amz

If you get stuck: $ pymazon --help

Name Templates

Pymazon supports name templates for the save name of the file.

A name template is a string of the form: ${argument}whatevertextyouwant Valid arguments include:

title artist tracknum album

For example, suppose the current name template is ${tracknum} - ${title} The for a song spam.mp3 that is number 05 on the album, and a save directory of /ham/eggs, then the song will be written to disk as: /ham/eggs/05 - spam.mp3 The templates are flexible. Suppose you have a template of the form: ${artist}/${album}/${tracknum} - ${title} and a save directory ~/Music, then every song in the .amz file will be written to disk as: ~/Music/artist/album/tracknum - title This is the format used by the author of Pymazon.

Configuration File

Pymazon supports a pymazonrc file located at ~/.pymazon/pymazonrc For windows users this path is the output of ```

import os os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pymazon', 'pymazonrc') ```

This file is created automatically when Pymazon first starts.

If you use the GUI interface, you don't need to worry about this file as Pymazon handles everything via the settings dialog. However, if you are a command line user, you can make your life easier by tweaking the settings in the file to your liking. The config file is pretty self explanatory.


If you get Error! printed to the console or status box when downloading, Pymazon will create a log file in the .pymazon/logs directory. This log will have more information about what caused the failure and the specifics of the track it was trying to download. The usual cause for errors are due to no internet connection (in which case you won't see album art in the GUI) or an expired .amz file (i.e. the Amazon download links have expired). If you get an error, and the link in the log file is valid (you can use it from a web browser), then please file a bug report and include the log as an attachment.

Errors not related to downloading will show up as exceptions with (hopefully) useful error messages.

I appreciate comments, suggestions, and bug reports.

That's about it.


Project Information