
Pure Python XPath implementation

Google Code has shut down. The canonical location for py-dom-xpath is now github:

py-dom-xpath is a pure Python implementation of XPath 1.0. It supports almost all XPath 1.0, with the main exception being the namespace axis. It operates on DOM 2.0 nodes, and works well with xml.dom.minidom.

py-dom-xpath requires Python 2.5 or greater.

Simple queries are easy:


xpath.find('//item', doc) [, ] ```

Namespaces are fully supported (although the namespace axis is not):


context = xpath.XPathContext() context.namespaces['py'] = '' context.findvalues('//py:skit/@name', doc) [u'argument', u'lumberjack', u'parrot'] ```

XPath variables are also supported:


xpath.find('//chapter[@name = $name]', doc, name='Python') [] ```

py-dom-xpath uses the Yapps 2 parser generator by Amit J. Patel.

py-dom-xpath was developed at Nominum. Nominum has graciously permitted the author to release it under the MIT license.

Project Information

python xpath xml dom