
*Very* simple command line options handling for simple python scripts

An ultra-short and simple module to handle command line arguments in a small throwaway program.

Usage (quick-and-dirty version): ```

import cmdopts # now you have ''cmdopts.options'' dictionary

now run this as a script and feed it some arbitrary set of parameters :

print cmdopts.options


A bit more formal example : ```


-- coding: ISO-8859-1 --

if name == 'main' : import cmdopts

it's a "smart" (well, at least well-behaving) dictionary, so one can write :

if cmdopts.options['o'] == None and cmdopts.options['Option'] is None: print "option is not specified (("

as the only purpose of this script is demonstration,

the only reasonable thing to do with arguments is print it :

print cmdopts.options


Now run any of these snippets as


python --arg=value python --arg value python -A value python -Avalue python -Avalue -b

... your line here ...


-- and see what happens Ж:-)

If this looks as a snippet you were looking for, then here is a more detailed description of the module.

And here is a direct link to get the module code .

Project Information

python commandline options parsing