
Physical therapy routine generator and reader


pt-helper is a program designed to help you perform physical therapy exercises. It reads in exercise information from a file, and then it uses this information to generate a random physical therapy routine. The program can either:

  • Read the names of the exercises to you as you perform them
  • Generate the routine as text (which you can copy into a file and print out)

When combined with a wireless mouse or other input device, pt-helper becomes a powerful tool for conducting a physical therapy routine.

Getting Started

  1. Installation: Installation instructions and dependencies.
  2. ExerciseConfiguration: How to customize the exercises used by pt-helper.
  3. RunningProgram: How to run pt-helper.

See RoutineInformation for a more detailed description of the exercise routines that pt-helper generates.

Once you have started using pt-helper, you may want to look at the TipsAndTricks page for other helpful information about how to get the most out of the program.

Mailing Lists / Discussion Groups

If you would like to receive notification when new versions of pt-helper are available, you can join the low-traffic announcement group.

If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or need help with pt-helper, feel free to post a message to our discussion group.

Project Information

python physicaltherapy exercise linux pygame physical therapy festival fitness