some working psx emulator for maemo\symbian
no bios included
* memcard support
* highest speed among all others psx emulators for maemo
* is more recent and still developed
* save\load states
* Zodttd - http://www.zodttd.com/ - Author of the original psx dynarec for ARM
* EQ - http://www.eq-soft.org - OpenGL ES based GPU
* Summeli - http://www.summeli.fi - symbian port for the dynarec
* Olli Hinkka - http://koti.mbnet.fi/hinkka/ - helped with OGL ES + VFPv2 + RVCT 2.2
* E}I{ - ej.at.tut.by - moral support, without him i don't start working on this emulator. He say, that 330 MHz + VFPv2 is enough for PSX.
* Proger - http://xproger.mentalx.org/ - MAIN OGL specialist. Many consultations and tips. He is not interested with emulator, but he is likes OpenGL and he is very man of heart.
donation wmz:Z111042450361