
a pre-processor for multi program languages based on java


Preprocessor-Java 0.1 - 100% Free more is here


Welcome to the Java Preprocessor project! This project is a pre-processor for multi program languages based on java.


Firstly, It can run with: * Command line * GUI * ant task

Moreover, basically, It can do a preprocess work for any text files, such as code and plaint text, whatever. of course, it is more valuable for processing the code files.

And, it supports boolean, integer, float and string data types. and support syntax check as well.

The specification of the files it supports:

The file should have a character or a string for a single line comment. such as "//" for java, "#" for linux shell script.

What it can do

Simple example of a preprocess statement // #define BOOL_VALUE True
// #define INT_VALUE 123
// #ifdef BOOL_VALUE
something here when BOOL_VALUE is TRUE // #ifdef INT_VALUE == 123 INT_ VALUE is // #<< INT_VALUE // #else
INT_VALUE is NOT 123 // #endif
// #else
BOOL_VALUE is NOT TRUE // #endif

After preprocessing, we can get the code below: something here with BOOL_VALUE is TRUE INT_ VALUE is 123

How to run

  1. Command Line: java -jar javapc.jar -s src -d dest [-e false|true] [-i filename] [-m comment]
    • -s Source file or directory.
    • -d Destination file or directory.
    • -e If true, export a code version with the parameters you set. Or just comment the useless code. The default is false. Setting export as false is easy to debug your code, because the line number of code file will not be changed after preprocessing.
    • -i Define a initial file, this file will be loaded firstly. The default name of init file is "global.def". You can define some global variables in this file.
    • -m Define yourself mark for comment. The default is "//".
  2. GUI java -jar javapc.jar -g

  3. ant task A template file: ```

<property name="src.dir" value="src" />
<property name="result.dir" value="result" />

<target name="clean" description="Delete all generated files">
    <delete dir="${result.dir}" failonerror="false" />

<target name="init">
    <!-- create directories -->
    <mkdir dir="${result.dir}" />

<target name="precompile" description="Pre compile the Task" depends="clean,init">
    <taskdef name="javapc" classname="au.songdi.javapc.ant.JavaPCTask" classpath="javapc.jar" />
    <javapc srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${result.dir}" export="false" initfile="global.def" commentmark="//" />
            <!-- same with <javapc srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${result.dir}" />-->


More detail in QuickStart Manual

Brother project pypc

pypc is a pre-processor written by python

Project Information

The project was created on Feb 27, 2011.

CodeGeneration Tool Java ant preprocessor precompiler GUI