
Phylogenetic analysis for molecular and morphological data.

Please note, later versions of POY can be found, POY

Welcome to the public source code repository of POY version 4!

This repo has been migrated to github, https://github.com/amnh/POY4


POY is a phylogenetic analysis program written in OCaml and C. POY version 4.0 supports the inclusion if insertions, deletions, translocations, loci indels, inversions, as well as breakpoint distances in the phylogenetic analysis of molecular and morphological sequences. It supports sequential and parallel execution using an implementation of the Message Passing Interface Standard (MPI), such as MPICH or Open MPI.

We provide precompiled universal binaries for Windows (parallel and sequential), Mac OS X (parallel and sequential), and Linux (sequential only), in the project's homepage.

Latest released version is: (August 6, 2009).

Latest development version is: 4.1.3 (October 15, 2009).

May 7, 2012 - Updated compilation scripts to accommodate newer compilers.