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PHPBoost Demo Support Documentation Api

This application allows everyone to create his own website without any particular knowledge required in webmastering.

It is a free and open-source software released under the terms of the GPL (GNU General Public License) version 3 or greater.

How to download PHPBoost CMS ?

To download PHPBoost CMS, please follow the link below where you can find the latest official package, and several modules and templates, to customize your website.


Github branches

One branch per version.

Branch Description Release date Maintenance/Support
master development branch --- Wip
6.0 latest stable version 26/04/2023 Full
5.2 --- 28/01/2019 Full
5.1 --- 18/07/2017 No
5.0 --- 11/02/2016 No
4.1 --- 15/07/2014 No
4.0 --- 30/01/2013 No
3.0 --- 28/07/2009 No
other branches for tests --- -

How it works ?

It requires a PHP/SQL web server with a remote access.
Install, configure and use it with a web browser.

It is composed of a kernel and modules which can use PHPBoost's lightweight development framework. As with the structure of a personal computer, the core of PHPBoost is an operating system used by various software, modules. It works with a database. Currently, MySQL or MariaDB are necessary but soon SQLite, PostGreSQL and other DBMS can be implemented.

PHPBoost can also be very useful for developers who don't want to program a complete structure for their website. They just need to install the PHPBoost kernel, with some existing modules, and build their own using the PHPBoost framework which contains many functions to facilitate development.

To sum up, to build your website with PHPBoost, you need a web server and a database (MySQL or MariaDB) and get started.