The simple PHP to Excel converter
The code php-excel aims at being a very simple. Generating larger excel files in the PHP processor brings some heavy load to the system. Therefore the class itself should be as lightweight as possible.
This implies that I need to (and will) judge thoroughfully about every single adjustment or feature enhancement. The core class Excel_XML will always deliver only the most basic features.
Version 1.2
- ~~Add support for different variable types~~ (Implemented in 1.1)
- ~~Add support for headlines (1st row) and footer (last row)~~ (will not be implemented in core class)
- ~~Add option to remotely set the used charset~~ (Implemented in 1.1)
- ~~Fixing issues from the bugtracker (#3, #4, #7, #8, #9)~~ (Implemented in 1.1)
- Explore and summarize more possible features
- Add a method to write the output to a file instead of delivering it out
- Add a method to return the output
- Add multiple worksheets in a workbook
- Add option to save the file in different file formats (xml/xls)
- Version 1.2 will be downward compatible with older versions
Version 1.3
- Introduction of an extension class Excel_XML_Extended which will allow more features based on the core library
- Version 1.3 will be downward compatible with older versions
- Version 1.1 methods
will throw errors of type Notice (anouncing depreciation)